Monday, February 20, 2012

Facebook Tips for Business Engagement |

Facebook for Business

Engagement is the official buzzword for 2012.? I?ve read countless articles on ways to engage your community and create customer loyalty.? Facebook, with over 800 million active users translates to a huge opportunity for many businesses to capture the attention of a massive audience.? Think about the countless number of people that your business/product will come into contact with.? What an enormous opportunity to help solve problems for that community.? But in order to understand that community you must actively listen to that community and ask questions.


In order to build a solid reputation online, you must always tell the truth.? Be truthful about your intention(s) for your community and recognize that your word is your online reputation.? This is what the social media online world calls transparency.? Be transparent about your desire to listen to your community.? Be transparent about your desire to genuinely ask the questions that matter to them.? What problems are they having and how can you offer them a resolution that will make their lives easier?? When you get support from your community in the form of comments, likes or share, acknowledge your community by interacting with them.? Thank them for stopping by, answer their questions, offer support and resolve their problems.? They will thank you for ?listening? to them, acknowledging them and showing them that you truly care.? I read an amazing article recently where the author made a very profound statement; he said ?Your online reputation and customer loyalty is the new currency that could become as powerful as our credit rating.?? Whether you agree or not, this is a thought-provoking statement!

Create Visibility and Engagement

Sharing relevant content is very important for a number of reasons.? Not only are you establishing yourself in your niche market but you are also providing your community with information they are seeking, needing or asking for.? Post quality content over quantity.? The #1 reasons fans hide your content from their streams is because you are posting to often.? Can you guess what the #2 reason is?? You got it, the #2 reason is because your content isn?t relevant.

Focus on Engagement

Studies have been conducted showing that brands are only responding to 50% of their customers/fans comments or questions.? That is not good enough!? That is 50% of your community base that is not getting their needs meet.? They are walking away unhappy and with no resolution!? This is where it pays to have more resources and staff.? When you interact, hear your community needs, acknowledge those needs and meet them, the percentage of customers that go on to make a purchase from you increases drastically!? Investment in this is critical, put systems in place where you are able to respond faster to your community.

Digg Into Your Data

Facebook has introduced a new engagement metric called ?People Talking About This.?? PTAT measures user-initiated activities, like posting to a Page?s wall, Liking, commenting, sharing a page post or content on a Page, answering a question posed to fans mentioning a page, liking or sharing a deal or checking in at your Place.? Pages that are seeing a boost in the PTAT rates are also reporting a boost in sales as well.? Here is a great example of a brand page that is leveraging this new metrics.? Digg into your metrics, study your demographics via the insights and don?t forget about your time zones.? Did you know that 80% of Americans live in the Central & Eastern time zones?? Utilize that information to your advantage.? Looking at your metrics will help you ask important questions.? Questions like; ?When is my community online??? ?Which posts are generating the most likes??? ?When are those posts most visible??? ?At what times are they getting the most likes??

New to digital media and need help establishing a social presence?? Wall Street Branding can help.

Tags: Brand Building, Business, Business Social Tools, Engagement, Facebook, Featured Articles, Social Media

Category: Social Media


todd haley kareem abdul jabbar tim lincecum karl rove miramonte elementary school mark jenkins susan powell

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