Thursday, February 23, 2012

Do-It-Yourself Home Energy Audit | Home And Living

cut energy bill with this diy energy audit of your house 300x225 Do It Yourself Home Energy AuditDoes the thought of turning on your oven make you shudder when you consider the high cost of heating your home? Then it is time to conduct a home energy audit to discover the strongest of the pioneers in your home. With a little planning and a few hours of your time to make any home energy audit.

Conduct a home energy audit will help determine how your house is currently in operation and upgrades are needed to eat to improve your energy. An audit can help save money, save resources, add the comfort of your home, improve the performance increase of heating and cooling, and the resale value of your home.

How can a home energy audit

Then you make a checklist. Their audit includes locating leaks, inspection of insulation, heating and cooling systems test and watch the lights. Your checklist should be the date of the inspection, a list of what you inspect, and their status.

The largest home energy pioneer air loss, about 1 / 3 of your home heating costs. Look for leaks visually and with the movement of air real discovery. In case of suspected leakage can not see you, you use a stick of incense or just use your wet hand ? moving air is cold, when a leak is present

Look at the light by windows and door frames and look. Windows can rattle, both signs that your home is losing energy. Find other places for air leaks are:

oo chimneys and crawl spaces Cave ? The electrical outlets and light switches ? The exhaust fans and recessed lighting

Do not forget the exterior of your home. To the outside in areas where different materials meet, such as when to leave lines and cables and along the foundation.

Inspect the attic to see if the insulation is crumbling or compacted, look useless. Remove the lid of a decision to determine if the exterior walls are insulated. Water pipes and ducts of the furnace must be isolated. An audit to examine the heating and cooling. Determine if your oven was the last inspection and see if the furnace filters bad air. Inspect hoses for streaks, which indicate leaks. If you have a central air conditioner, check the device, the coils are clean. devices are large energy consumers to verify that. Appliances for over 15 years, are not as effective as the newer models. Lighting consumes about 10 percent of the electricity bill. Check the power light bulbs. You can have 100-watt bulbs would that from 60 to 75 watts. Confirm the type of light bulbs, light bulbs heat, no energy loss. You can have your test done, now what? Start without cost, low-cost improvements can be made. Keep your home at 20 ? C day and 15 ? C overnight. Lower water heater thermostats to 60 ? C. Caulk or seal drafty places that you are getting. Seal attic and crawl space leaks with foam. Replace furnace filter clean and dirty ducts, vents, floor and central air conditioning coils. Install compact fluorescent bulbs in all devices. superior for energy professionals more comprehensive improvements in recruitment. Also, consider replacing old appliances and heating and cooling units with new high performance.After you have your exam to respect the results. In a few months, you compare your energy bill with those used for testing. The results are sure to find you and your portfolio.


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