Friday, November 16, 2012

IAI: Building the AMOS-6 Dual-Use COMSAT


AMOS-6 signing
(click to view larger)

In November 2012, Israel Aerospace Industries signed a minimum $185 million contract with Israel?s Spacecom satellite company. In return, IAI will build and operate the dual-use AMOS-6 communications satellite, covering Africa, the Middle East, and Europe. Like most providers, Spacecom has already sold capacity on the satellite, including a $20 million lifetime contract from the Israeli government, who will receive a beam in an agreed-upon frequency band.

The new satellite sits in the 5,500 kg class, with payload power of 9 kW?

The communication payload includes 45 transponders in 3 frequency bands (Ku, Ka, S), which enable the satellite to provide communication services that can include direct satellite home internet. The array involves 39 segments in the Ku-22 frequency band covering the Middle East & Europe and Pan Europe, 24 active beams in the Ka-19 frequency band covering parts of Africa and Europe, and 2 transponders in the S-4 frequency band.

AMOS-6 satellite delivery is scheduled for August 2015, and it?s projected to launch into the 4 degrees west orbit slot. There, it will replace AMOS-2, which is expected to end its service during 2016. IAI can earn up to $3 million for early delivery of a launch-ready bird (maximum $198 million), or pay up to $10 million in penalties for its own lateness ($185 million minimum).

There are also opportunities to make money beyond the delivery and launch contract. AMOS-6 is designed to last at least 16 years, and IAI will be motivated to exceed that figure. Beyond a 17-year lifespan, the contract gives IAI 20% of Spacecom?s customer revenues from the satellite.

Satellite launch will be a separate contract. The launch facility is not named, but past AMOS launches have taken place from Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. IAI release.


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