Wednesday, August 29, 2012

How do I deal with an admin godmodder?

Okay, I'm in a sticky situation. Need advice. I'm in a roleplay where the creator is godmodding with every post. The other players have been rolling with it. Now, it has happened to my character, only I can't really roll with it, because in my last post, I wrote exactly why what has supposedly happened wouldn't happen. I wrote all kinds of safeguards in, not even realizing at the time that was what I was doing, against this. I'm pissed because my character's freewill has been violated, assumptions have been made that wouldn't have been made (presumably) if my post had been read, and no one else in the game has spoken up to address the issue. This person is the creator/admin of the game, so maybe it isn't polite to point and yell 'Godmodder!' on the OOC? Most of the games I've been in or run, the admin/creator wasn't a person to be feared of pissing off. Okay I take that back. I have run a D&D game where boulders fell from the sky when I was pissed at the players, but the DM is basically god of the game, not a player.

I realize I'm still too pissed to talk to this person. I also realize I'm too pissed to handle this with good humor and delicacy. I don't want to quit the game, because I think it is a nice setup and the other players are decent. I don't know what excuse this person has for godmodding, whether they've just never learned roleplaying etiquette or if they are too immature a writer or what. I think whatever I say to this person, I should say it in PMs to avoid embarrassing and possibly escalating tension on the OOC.

So do I treat this person like a naughty child and explain what godmodding is, why it isn't polite or fair to the other players, and suggest how we can fix the bad posts? Include a link here to the Roleplay Academy so someone else can mentor this person?

Do I take the line this person threw me and pretend it isn't godmodding, but just a really bad assumption, tell them it was a bad assumption, and ask for a rewrite?

Do I suck it up and leave? With or without explanation to the other players for why I'm stepping out?

Is there a great solution I haven't thought of? There probably is. Share with the class.

Please PLEASE help me out.


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