Friday, April 6, 2012

Next Generation Of E-Ink Kindle To Sport New Front-Lit Screen

homeLiving in Seattle, you tend to find yourself in the company of tech people all the time. With Microsoft, Amazon, Adobe, Google, and a dozen other major companies established in the area, it's never a surprise when you find out the guy next to you at the bar is working on Windows Phone 8 or Half-Life 3. This week, I was lucky enough to get a chance to see what Amazon has cooking for its next generation of e-readers. Their new offices and the mysterious Lab 126 are just down the street, after all, so I'm actually surprised it hasn't happened before now. Back in November, I speculated that the new Kindles and Nooks and what have yous might have glowing screens, the likes of which we've seen occasionally but were never fully implemented. It turns out Amazon was thinking the same thing, and actually bought a company that was, I am told, the world leader in light-guide technology. They've finally gotten it to the point where it's ready to be released, and a new generation of glowing Kindles will be coming our way sometime this year.

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