Monday, April 9, 2012

Google+: An Increasingly Popular Way to Grow Your Business ...

Google?s first foray into social media has many name variations (Google+, Google Plus, G+, Plus) but just one goal: to foster connections between people. Now, with the creation of business pages, Google+ is a great way for companies to boost their profiles and unite with their customers. Below, we?ll explore what it is, what it isn?t and how it can help you grow your business.

While Google?s search engine remains the industry?s gold standard, Google+ is a latecomer to the social media sphere.?While its developers have benefited from seeing what has and hasn?t worked for other outlets and tweaking their platform accordingly, they are far from being able to challenge Facebook and?Twitter?in terms of popularity.

Google+?s 90 million users pale in comparison to the more than 1 billion combined people that frequent Facebook and Twitter.?At its current growth rate, though, the service is poised to top 400 million users by year?s end. This surge in popularity is evidence for why you should consider Google+ as a viable promotional tool.

Simply put, Google+ is basically the search giant?s version of Facebook. Anyone moderately familiar with the latter will find similarities between the two. Both allow you to share content and links, and both feature a news feed that lets you leave comments and rate posts by other users. These abilities are perfect for content marketing and for directing people to your corporate site. But Google+ sports a cleaner, more user-friendly interface than Facebook?s.

Another excellent feature of Google+ is the ability to add, delete or edit your ?circles? of friends. This is a great way to organize clients, customers and companies into groups and to keep up with them separately, as well as to provide each circle with different content, if so desired.

Google+ has become more valuable for businesses since the company integrated the??Search plus Your World? feature?into its search engine in January. Users who are signed in to their accounts now have the option of seeing personalized content included among search results. This means that anyone who follows your business on Google+ will see information pertaining to your company, including status updates. Depending on the keyword for a search, Google might even recommend your update to non-followers, providing your business with an additional boost in popularity.

Admittedly, there are questions about whether the platform?s growth will continue to skyrocket. A report published in February?revealed that people spend far less time on Google+ per month than they do on Facebook, so keep that in mind as you?re developing content or devoting resources to Google+. Promoting your company on more established sites is definitely advised.?Also, the content that you do include must be eye-catching and of very high quality; otherwise, you won?t attract enough attention in order to positively impact your business.

Google+ may be a novel means of communicating with your customer base, but it?s not as new as our freshly designed website! Please click the link in order to explore what we have to offer in the way of goods, services and business solutions, including for HVAC.

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