Monday, January 28, 2013

CNN Wants to Treat Ann Curry Right

NBC is mistreating Ann Curry again, according to a new Page Six report. But buried at the bottom is a shining ray of hope also known as former NBC chief Jeff Zucker.?

RELATED: NBC Wants Ann Curry Out of 'Today' Before the Olympics

Curry has tried to get out of her multi-year contract with NBC so she can join her ol' friend Zuck at shiny, hard-newsy CNN. There were initial rumors (also from Page Six) when the Zuck was first hired that he wanted Curry to fill the 8 p.m. news spot currently occupied by the blue-eyed wunderkind Anderson Cooper. We liked that idea a lot. NBC publicly beheaded her when she didn't fit in well with Matt Lauer, something the network has repeatedly tried to take the blame for. It didn't matter, because Today's ratings dropped while everyone rallied around Ann Curry.?

RELATED: 'If You Lose Ann Curry, You Are Losing a Class Act'

A get like Curry would certainly help Zucker, who?recently took over the flailing news network. He's already made two big hires. Or, at least, two big names have come over since he started. Jake Tapper?joined the network?to bolster political coverage, jumping ship from ABC. Rachel Nichols?jumped from ESPN to the Turner Broadcasting family?to head up CNN's sports coverage.?

RELATED: An Iraq War Veteran Is Leading the Ann Curry Backlash

The fit makes enough sense. Curry's biggest complaint during her stint on The Today Show was that she wanted to do more hard news, more 'spinach' and less 'sugar,' as she put it. Her current role filing taped reports for Rock Center and NBC News isn't cutting it, according to Page Six. Curry is clashing with her bosses because she wants to do live interviews and they won't let her.?

RELATED: Here's Your New Today Show Lineup

So far the #FreeAnnCurry hashtag is suspiciously quiet Sunday morning.


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