Friday, December 21, 2012

Gamer confessions anonymous - Mayan Apocalypse edition ...

I have never played a Mass Effect game, and do not really plan on doing so. This is actually for a reason that I'm willing to divulge. It's because I'm afraid of their intensive power of immersion. I fear the addiction they could harbor in me, more so than other games with little in the way of story or narrative like racing games.

I was kind of turned off entirely to the idea of a Mass Effect game ever since I heard a couple of my teammates talking about it. Specifically, about how best to have virtual sex with each female party member in the game. I did not ever want to involve myself with obsessing over or talking about such trite things.

Also, I once got really, really, REALLY GODDAMN ANGRY at my best friend over a game of Left 4 Dead. He left me behind whilst we were making yet another attempt at beating Blood Harvest on Expert difficulty so I could finally claim my glorious, stupid achievement. While I was swarmed by zombies, he leapt to the safety of the back of the rescue vehicle, and the ending cinematic played. My friend even resorted to punching me, actually physically hitting me (we were playing splitscreen) in an attempt to suppress my anger, as he is much bigger and stronger than I am. It didn't work. I was going goddamn Hulk Mode on him. He just left the room. He was such a good friend. He apologized.


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