Friday, August 31, 2012

Motherhood Is One Of Numerous Glorious Elements Of Becoming A ...

Motherhood is one of numerous glorious elements of becoming a woman. Motherhood is a wonderful present no make a difference if you are having your initial or fifth child, every pregnancy presents you with a wonderful trip into motherhood. Lifestyle does not stop just because you are broaching the motherhood present.

Today?s pregnant women are faced with not just motherhood but sporting numerous hats too. The continuation of fulfilling their profession dreams, taking part in physician to fix these bumps and bruises, mediator, counselor, and many other hats are the many rolls that today?s expecting ladies perform. Motherhood also encompasses numerous other modifications physically and emotionally. This is a time in your life exactly where it is important for you to keep a bit much more your self and relish in the glow of motherhood.

We all know what it feels like to slip on a dress or outfit that you know you look great in. Clothing can completely alter your outlook in an immediate. Just simply because you are impending on the fantastic world of motherhood, maternity clothes is 1 aspect that you can count on lifting your self esteem.

Present day pregnant women can advantage from our total line of top maternity attire designers (Nicole Michelle Maternity, L?attesa, Japanese Weekend Maternity, It is a Wonder, Olian Maternity, Duet, Tummi Styles, MA Maternity Designs, RockStar Moms, Enthusiasm and Spice maternity lingerie, Mamma Pavlova Swimwear and more). These maternity style designers are anticipative and attentive to the expecting woman?s each maternity clothes need and want. Being pregnant is a stunning time in a woman?s life so deal with your self to the comfort and style that you?d expect from your pre-pregnancy clothing wardrobe.

Every woman?s body is various and stunning, regardless of her peak or her excess weight. I believe all know although, if their bodies are a bit larger or smaller sized or shorter or taller than the typical body, clothes will get even harder to discover then toss a pregnancy into the mix, and discovering maternity clothing we like, that match our bodies and fit our expanding tummies, sometimes feels impossible!

Numerous maternity clothing designers are asleep when they are creating maternity clothing the selection is bad. Most of them are nothing but flower after flower, spiral following spiral, safety pins or maybe some form of teddy bear or another. Neglect about them! If you were to buy maternity clothing, commit 1 that makes you appear great. If the maternity clothes are basic, that?s fine, it?s much better than making you appear like Bozo most of them do, by the way. The stage is that you want to appear well even though you are type of.Large. and sporting maternity clothing with big orange and yellow flower prints is NOT going to assist you do that!

Maternity clothing are not cheap these days and maternity clothing are only wearable for the 9 months that you are expecting and maybe another thirty day period or two following that. And when you get back in shape, you?re going to have to shelve these expensive maternity clothing or put the maternity clothes in unhappy containers with the edges caught together with cellophane tape.

And what to Buy? Are you wondering what your maternity wardrobe should contain? Though women have various preferences and designs, there are a few items that every woman ought to have in her maternity wear closet. Among these consist of:
? Jeans
? Pair of black or khaki slacks
? One skirt or gown
? Variety of Maternity T?s and Tops
? Maternity Bra

You might or might not have to purchase maternity underwear. While some ladies find the support in these comforting, others discover that conventional bikini underwear bought a dimension or two larger than normal function just as nicely, and are much less costly and arrive in more colours and designs.

So, purchase only maternity clothes that are stylish and of excellent quality. You wear maternity clothes only when you strategy to go out. For informal outings and at home, adhere to your additional large clothing or maybe, you can buy some big sweaters, t-shirts, overalls, or raglan to wear when you?re not needed to appear all-that-presentable. It functions! You truly require to buy Informal maternity clothes.

for more on maternity clothes cheap and maternity sale clothes see our website

Related posts:

  1. Do You Feel That Day Nights Are A Factor Of The Previous Now That You Are Pregnant And You Dont Have A Proper Outfit To Put On?
  2. When Looking For Maternity Clothing There Are A Quite Couple Of Issues For One To Consider
  3. When You Are Pregnant, All Of A Sudden Your Shape And Dimension Are Altering Daily
  4. Being Pregnant Tips That Every Girl May Use
  5. Early Signs Of Pregnancy ? Are You Currently Pregnant Or Not?


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Wills, Trusts & Estates Prof Blog: Davy Jones' Will Sealed

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August 29, 2012

Davy Jones' Will Sealed

Davy JonesWhen the Monkees front man passed away earlier this year, his family decided to ask the probate court to seal all of his estate planning documents, including his will. As I have previously discussed with the sealing of?Joe Paterno's will, the move to have probate court documents sealed is rare.??The proposed executor of the estate and Jones' daughter, Talia Jones, asked a court to seal the will.

The?family probably asked the court to seal the will to try to hide the fighting between Jones' widow, Telemundo TV host Jessica Pacheco-Jones, and the rest of his family. In particular, it has been reported that the former dancer and Jones'?four daughter do not get along at all. In fact, it was rumored that his daughters refused to attend his wedding to Pacheco-Jones. The family could have sealed the will for other reasons. The family might also think that the estate might be in financial trouble even with all of Jones' assets. While the court sealed the will, the matters relating to the estate are still public. From what we know, Jones' estate has incurred a number of bills including a few from his widow. In situations like these, the family might have considered using a revocable trust. Trusts, unlike wills, are private documents and can keep matters related to the trust hidden from the public.?

See Danielle Mayoras & Andy Mayoras,?Monkee Business Surrounding Davy Jones Estate, Financial,?Aug. 21, 2012.

Special thanks to Jim Hillhouse (Professional Legal Marketing (PLM, Inc.)) for bringing this article to my attention.

August 29, 2012 in Estate Administration, Wills | Permalink


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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Looking for help (forum-rping, FCs, finding a roleplay)

Hello! Newb looking for help here.

I've written with people before, but never in an online forum style (more than one-on-one writing). What kind of rules/etiquette are expected in forums, where you're dealing with more than one other person? And how can I ease myself into this setting without stepping on people's toes or undermining someone's hard work?

Also, I've looked at a few roleplays on here, though I only just came to the RPG. I've noticed "FCs", or animated gifs of actors in some character listings; what does FC stand for, what are their functions/why are they needed, and how common are they in the forums?

And finally, how do you find a roleplay that suits your needs? Is there a way to search multiple tags at once to find a thread or forum right for you?


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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A List Apart: Articles: Usable yet Useless: Why Every Business ...

Bras?lia is a remarkable, bizarre city. The vision of architect Oscar Niemeyer, it was built in just four years, from 1956 to 1960. More than 50 years later, its beauty and elegance are renowned.

But Brazil?s capital city is known for something else as well: how difficult it is to live there.

A ?shiny citadel? from far away, as The Guardian once wrote, up close Bras?lia has ?degraded into a violent, crime-ridden sprawl of cacophonous traffic jams. The real Brazil has spilled into its utopian vision.?

This problem echoes across today?s web landscape as well, where the needs of ordinary users spill constantly into designers? utopian vision. All around us we see beautiful, empty monuments erected not for their users, but for the people who built them?and the VCs who are scouting them. Even sites and apps that go beyond beauty to usability often fail because they can?t find a big enough market.

Why can?t some interactive products find enough users to be sustainable? Why are there so many failed startups, despite a renewed focus on design?

Most importantly, what can we do about it?

The rise of usable, useless products

We?ve long accepted that for a product to be useful, it needs to have acceptable levels of both utility (?whether it provides the features you need?) and usability (?how easy & pleasant these features are to use?). Yet far too often, we seem to ignore the former in favor of the latter, ending up with lots of easy and pleasant applications that have no reason to exist. One could argue that the first version of Color fell into this trap. And when?s the last time we heard something about Path?

One of the major problems that new products in particular run into is a lack of product/market fit, as Marc Andreessen has noted:

The quality of a startup?s product can be defined as how impressive the product is to one customer or user who actually uses it: How easy is the product to use? How feature rich is it? How fast is it? How extensible is it? How polished is it? How many (or rather, how few) bugs does it have? The size of a startup?s market is the the number, and growth rate, of those customers or users for that product?

The only thing that matters is getting to product/market fit. Product/market fit means being in a good market with a product that can satisfy that market.

The problem arises when startups and companies don?t spend enough time to increase the likelihood of good product/market fit before they start design and development. The Lean Startup concept of ?Minimum Viable Product? is certainly useful, but shouldn?t we rather focus on Minimum Desirable Products? What?s the use of fast iteration if all it does is get us to the local maximum more quickly?

But before we get ahead of ourselves and discuss how to fix this, let?s jump into some of the all-important ?why? questions.

Why products fail to fit

Bras?lia?s biggest problem is that the architects who designed it didn?t consider how the city would be used once millions of people were living there. They exhibited Architectural Myopia?designing for industry, not people. I?ve written before about a similar phenomenon in our industry, Designer Myopia. Lured by the recognition (and clients and VCs) they deserve, designers are drawn to being featured in galleries and list-driven blog posts that drive tons of traffic.

There is nothing inherently wrong with that need for recognition?but it is a problem when it hurts users. If Bras?lia teaches us anything, it?s that becoming blind to the needs of users leads us down a dangerous path where we lose control over our products, with no way to get it back. Once something has shipped, you can either iterate or pivot. Iteration is great if you?re on the right path. Pivoting is dangerous because changing course can wreak havoc on employees and users alike.

Product discovery: a better way

If we want to design better, more useful products, we need to stop designing solutions too early and start instead with product discovery: a process that helps us understand the problem properly so we don?t just design things better, but design better things.

Product discovery consists of three steps:

  • Step 1. Frame the problem and maximize the opportunity
  • Step 2. Explore and assess multiple solutions
  • Step 3. Prioritize and plan

1. Frame the problem and maximize the opportunity

It?s hard to argue with Einstein:

If I had an hour to solve a problem I?d spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and 5 minutes thinking about solutions.

Step 1 of product discovery is that proverbial 55 minutes. Here, you should discuss and answer questions such as:

  • For whom are we solving this problem?
  • Which user needs are we trying to address? For existing products, what are the shortcomings we need to fix?
  • What customer insights do we have available to inform the solution (customer support, analytics, market research, user research, competitive analysis, etc.)?
  • How will solving this problem help our business?
  • Why is our business capable of making this solution a success?
  • How will our success be measured?

There are several techniques to structure the discussion and make it easier to get to the bottom of these questions. Fishbone Diagrams and The Five Whys are two root-cause analysis techniques that can be applied very effectively to defining a problem in terms of user needs and business goals.

This phase always?without fail?produces insights the team finds incredibly valuable. Startups gain clarity about what to say ?yes? and ?no? to in their product, and large corporations learn how to go beyond customer-centricity buzzwords and discover which benefits they should be selling to their users. As just one of many examples, I was once in a workshop that revealed the executives had a completely different vision for the company than the designers and developers. It was an awkward two hours, but in the end they agreed on the tough but correct decision to suspend their e-commerce plans until some of the content areas on the site had been sorted out. It?s great to see a statement of purpose emerge from these sessions?one that finally gets an organization to agree on what the product?s focus should be.

From this step, I produce a problem-frame diagram, which is simply a visual summary of the main takeaways in the form of three overlapping circles:

  • User needs
  • Business goals
  • Core competencies

Every decision the team makes should be anchored in at least one of these circles?preferably in the overlap of all three. Design decisions should focus on meeting those needs and capitalizing on the business opportunities by using the core competencies identified.

Customer journey maps are another useful output, and Megan Grocki and Jamie Thomson?s take on them is very informative. Journey maps are visual representations that help to summarize research, highlight and prioritize opportunities, and get buy-in from stakeholders.[1]

Once the problem has been defined (and agreed on by all stakeholders), it?s time to start thinking about solutions.

2. Explore and assess multiple solutions

The takeaways from problem-framing lead into a period of divergent thinking, where you produce many different possible solutions as quickly as possible?visually. Break out the pencils, and lots and lots of paper.

Rather than open your laptop too early in the design process, use sketching to produce a variety of solutions in a short amount of time. Sometimes ?Move to Trash? just doesn?t cut it when you need to let go of an idea you wish you never had. There?s nothing as satisfying as crushing a bad idea and throwing it over your shoulder in disgust.

In this phase of the process, you work together to come up with storyboards, sketches, and low-fidelity prototypes to visualize ideas. It?s also a great time to start getting feedback from potential customers. And yes, let?s say it together: Everyone can draw. If Dan Roam says so, who are we to disagree?

3. Prioritize and plan

I talk to many teams who complain about ?analysis paralysis??an inability to make decisions because there are just too many factors (and people) involved. Good prioritization methods give teams comfort that even though they?re not focusing on everything at once, they are focused on the right information to make good decisions.

You can do this with a phase of convergent thinking that narrows down which ideas and solutions to explore further. There are many established processes for this type of prioritization, each designed for a different scenario:

  1. With the KJ-Method, you group similar issues together and use a voting mechanism to rank those issues in order of importance. It?s best when you have a large group of stakeholders who all have strong opinions about the product and you want to make decisions quickly.
  2. The Kano Model uses a two-dimensional axis to group issues into one of three categories: basic expectations (features that users expect as a given), excitement generators (delightful, unexpected features), and performance payoffs (features that need continuous improvement to increase user satisfaction). This method works when you want to ensure you have a balanced roadmap that addresses basic requirements, as well as innovative features that might help the product pull ahead of competitors.
  3. Amazon?s approach prioritizes large themes first, before going into individual features/projects to address those themes. It?s a good approach when the sheer number of features or improvements required feels overwhelming, and you need a way to structure and make sense of all of them.

These methods work because they facilitate teamwork without falling into the traps of ?design by committee.? Everyone gets a voice, but not everyone gets to make decisions. That?s an essential attribute of any good prioritization method, because as Seth Godin says, ?Nothing is what happens when everyone has to agree.?

In addition to providing the necessary structure to reach prioritization decisions quickly, these methods also produce tangible artifacts that can help you sell your ideas to internal stakeholders. User experience is often much less a design problem than it is an organizational problem. As much as we just want to do our work without obstruction, we can only be truly effective if we also make a compelling argument to people in other parts of the organization. These structured prioritization methods make that step reasonably painless by helping you produce written and visual records of your thought process.

Once done, you should be able to narrow down ideas to a select few you want to build and test?and be comfortable that those ideas have the best chances of meeting your user needs and business goals.

The output

The artifacts produced during product discovery depend on the scope and nature of the project. Sometimes it?s a few sketches on the back of a napkin that a developer uses to start prototyping; sometimes it?s a big PowerPoint document summarizing the process and key takeaways in an effort to bring senior executives along for the ride.

Regardless of the physical output, at the end of the process you should be able to answer the following questions with ease:

  • What is the problem we are trying to solve?
  • For whom are we solving it? Why should they care?
  • What?s the vision for the solution?
  • What?s in it for us?
  • What?s our implementation plan?

The real power of this process is that it will give your team comfort that you?ve introduced enough variation into the design process to ensure you?re not climbing the wrong mountain to a local maximum.

That?s fine for you

?This is nice,? I hear you say, ?but we?re a fast-moving startup and we don?t have time to sit around and talk.?

You do if the alternative is failure, brought on by an unhealthy addiction to pretty things that lead to 15 minutes of fame, but not much else.

We?re entering an interesting era in web design. Retina displays might not have mass adoption yet, but it?s only a matter of time before they become the norm. We?re also seeing a level of interest in typography and graphics last experienced when color CRT monitors became a thing. There are many shiny objects out there, and if we focus on those (or focus on impressing the VCs that are focused on them) to the neglect of usefulness, we might find ourselves in a situation similar to that of only a few years ago, when we built Flash intros on every site just because we could.

In other words, product discovery is essential for startups precisely because we?re in a time of such exciting visual innovation.

We cannot let the allure of the visual tear us too far away from the usefulness of the products we develop. It is true that failure teaches us a great deal about what works and what doesn?t. But it?s so much cheaper and more effective to fail at a variety of ideas on paper than it is to fail at one full-blown, VC-backed idea. As Color can probably attest, it?s hard to come back from that.

Together, we can avoid building digital Bras?lias?projects that generate buzz, but don?t meet the needs of the people who live there. So let?s discover before we build.


[1] If you?re new to journey mapping, see: The Anatomy of an Experience Map, Using Customer Journey Maps to Improve Customer Experience, and Building a Vision from a Journey Map.


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How do I deal with an admin godmodder?

Okay, I'm in a sticky situation. Need advice. I'm in a roleplay where the creator is godmodding with every post. The other players have been rolling with it. Now, it has happened to my character, only I can't really roll with it, because in my last post, I wrote exactly why what has supposedly happened wouldn't happen. I wrote all kinds of safeguards in, not even realizing at the time that was what I was doing, against this. I'm pissed because my character's freewill has been violated, assumptions have been made that wouldn't have been made (presumably) if my post had been read, and no one else in the game has spoken up to address the issue. This person is the creator/admin of the game, so maybe it isn't polite to point and yell 'Godmodder!' on the OOC? Most of the games I've been in or run, the admin/creator wasn't a person to be feared of pissing off. Okay I take that back. I have run a D&D game where boulders fell from the sky when I was pissed at the players, but the DM is basically god of the game, not a player.

I realize I'm still too pissed to talk to this person. I also realize I'm too pissed to handle this with good humor and delicacy. I don't want to quit the game, because I think it is a nice setup and the other players are decent. I don't know what excuse this person has for godmodding, whether they've just never learned roleplaying etiquette or if they are too immature a writer or what. I think whatever I say to this person, I should say it in PMs to avoid embarrassing and possibly escalating tension on the OOC.

So do I treat this person like a naughty child and explain what godmodding is, why it isn't polite or fair to the other players, and suggest how we can fix the bad posts? Include a link here to the Roleplay Academy so someone else can mentor this person?

Do I take the line this person threw me and pretend it isn't godmodding, but just a really bad assumption, tell them it was a bad assumption, and ask for a rewrite?

Do I suck it up and leave? With or without explanation to the other players for why I'm stepping out?

Is there a great solution I haven't thought of? There probably is. Share with the class.

Please PLEASE help me out.


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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

LG Intuition shown off with Verizon branding in alleged press image

or whatever the crisis may be ? has a life of its own. Men and women keep dying, and U.S. policies keep accelerating the centrifugal forces that are driving the country toward civil conflict, which may have profound implications for future regional and international security." ? Sarah Chaynes, a senior associate with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in commentary published Sunday as analysts say that the a public worn down by a war that began just a month after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, no longer cares about Afghanistan, and that the war has slipped off the radar screens and is now considered by many to be over.


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Bathroom Tile Design - Materials for Bathroom Tiles

Superior bathroom tile design must create a floor surface that is certainly desirable, water resistant and safe to walk on. Bathroom tile designs employing ceramic tile, rubber flooring or vinyl and linoleum floors are examples of bathroom tile style material selections that should be offered almost anyplace. These types of tiles are easy to clean, water resistant and secure to walk on. In case you are going to work with all-natural stone or terra-cotta ceramic tiles on your floors to make a extra sophisticated effect, make sure you invest in the sort using a non-slip finish.

As you look at which bathroom tile designs to pick, each and every type of tile will have special properties that may or could not offer characteristics which can be very good for the bathroom. Here are different material types for bathroom tile style along with benefits or disadvantages of each and every:

1. Laminate and Vinyl Bathroom Tile Style - these kinds of tile in bathroom tile styles is usually located in a variety of colors, patterns and textures. Some tiles even imitate wood, stone and ceramic. It isn't very pricey, is water resistant, easy to install and clean and it is actually durable.

2. Ceramic Bathroom Tile Style - ceramic tile can range from relatively low-cost to pricey and it really is the classic selection. Tile is created of clay, shale or porcelain and is formed and fired at very high temperatures until it hardens.

The greater the temperature as well as the more instances the tile is fired, the tougher and less porous the tile.

If you might be working with a white or cream ceramic tile for the bathroom, utilizing a various color grout like "blue" will give your bathroom a dramatic appear. Grout may be the material made use of to fill the spaces amongst the tiles. Make sure you apply sealers to grout lines in locations of heavy wear like countertops. Sealers will also preserve grout colors.

3. Stone Bathroom Tile Designs (marble, granite, brick, slate, onyx, travertine and limestone) - this tile can be wonderful, pretty strong, durable in high-traffic areas, it'll last a long time, is low upkeep and simple to clean. On the other hand, it is expensive, it's a cold material, could be slippery and absorbs stains effortlessly.

4. Linoleum Bathroom Tile Design - this tile is produced of renewable and natural supplies like linseed oil, ground cork, limestone, jute and wood flour. This kind of bathroom floor is generating a comeback with new marbled and graphic styles, and it truly is more durable and much easier to clean than vinyl tile.

5. Mosaic Bathroom Tile - this great tile was an ancient craft that today is usually produced of tile, stone, porcelain and colored glass, making stunning floor patterns. These tiles are little (1 or 2 inches square) and often pricey. What you'll be able to do would be to add a compact section of this type of tile for visual interest for your floor or countertop.

6. Concrete Bathroom Tile Designs - durable, low maintenance, perfect for wet regions and stunning. You are able to locate this type of tile in wonderful textures including shiny, rough, slick and sandpaper and in a variety of colors and sizes.

7. Hardwood - you are able to create your bathroom floor applying solid wood, parquet flooring or engineered woods (numerous layers of wood laminated and high-tech supplies which can be related to plywood). Hardwoods are wear-resistant, appealing, comfortable to walk on, easy to clean and refinish, not extremely cold in winter, but they're far more vulnerable to moisture when applied within a bathroom.

If you need to use a bathroom tile design that contains rugs in your bathroom, ensure you invest in the sort that has rubber backing, or add rubber backing strips to the rugs. Be cautious with rugs which will slip and slide on a tiled floor or all-natural stone floor which creates a safety hazard. Rugs may also harbor dust mites and allergens which can be a problem for individuals with allergies.

Whether you will be remodeling an old bathroom or developing a brand new one particular, becoming active within the style stage helps assure that your bathroom turns out just like you need. The bathroom tile styles and styles, colors, patterns and sizes you select can help you possess a bathroom which is comfortable, appealing and functional plus a room that you just will delight in every single day.


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NASA watching Issac's approach to US Gulf Coast

NASA watching Issac's approach to US Gulf Coast [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 28-Aug-2012
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Contact: Rob Gutro
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center

NASA satellites have been providing valuable data to forecasters at the National Hurricane Center watching the development and progression of powerful Tropical Storm Isaac as it heads for landfall.

The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) instrument on NASA's Aqua satellite captured this visible image of Tropical Storm Isaac on Aug. 27 at 3:00 p.m. EDT is it was moving northwest through the Gulf of Mexico. Issac's large reach is seen by its eastern cloud cover over the entire state of Florida. At the same time, the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) instrument on Aqua captured infrared data on Isaac's clouds. Cloud top temperatures were colder than ?F (-52C) around the center of circulation and the western quadrant of the storm, and in a large band of thunderstorms east of the center of circulation, over Florida and parts of Cuba. That's where the strongest storms and heaviest rainfall was occurring.

On Aug. 28 at 8:40 a.m. EDT, a visible image of Tropical Storm Isaac taken from NOAA's GOES-13 satellite showed the huge extent of the storm, where the eastern-most clouds lie over the Carolinas and the western-most clouds are brushing east Texas. The image was created by the NASA GOES Project at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. Tropical-storm-force winds extend outward up to 205 miles (335 km) from the center of circulation, making the storm about 410 miles in diameter.

Warnings and watches in effect on Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012 are many. A hurricane warning is in effect for east of Morgan City Louisiana to the Alabama-Florida Border, including Metropolitan New Orleans, Lake Pontchartrain, and Lake Maurepas. A hurricane watch is in effect for Intracoastal City to Morgan City, Louisiana. Tropical Storm Warnings are in effect from the Alabama-Florida border to the Aucilla River, and Morgan City to Cameron, Louisiana. A Tropical Storm Watch is in effect from east of High Island, Texas to just west of Cameron, Louisiana.

On Aug. 28 at 8 a.m. EDT, Tropical Storm Issac's maximum sustained winds were just under hurricane force, at 70 mph (110 kmh). The center of Tropical Storm Isaac was located near latitude 27.8 north and longitude 88.2 west, only about 105 miles (170 km) south-southeast of the mouth of the Mississippi River. Isaac is moving northwest at 7 mph (11 kmh) and is expected to continue in that direction for the next day or two, but it's speed is expected to fluctuate. The National Hurricane Center noted that the center of Isaac will be near or over the Louisiana coast tonight, Aug. 28, or early on Aug. 29.

Storm surge is a deadly part of any landfalling tropical cyclone. The National Hurricane Center (NHC) is warning that storm surge will be highest from Isaac from southeastern Louisiana to Mississippi, where surge levels are expected between 6 and 12 feet during times of high tide. Alabama's coast may experience surge between 4 and 8 feet, while south-central Louisiana and the Florida panhandle can expect between 3 and 6 feet. Florida's west coast including Apalachee Bay can expect a storm surge between 1 and 3 feet.

The NHC expects hurricane conditions in the northern Gulf Coast warning area during the afternoon of Aug. 28. As conditions worsen, isolated tornadoes are possible as with any landfalling tropical cyclone.

NASA's Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite has seen large rainfall rates within Tropical Storm Isaac, and those large rainfall rates and slow movement of the storm will lead to high rainfall totals. The National Hurricane Center expects 7 to 14 inches of rain with possible isolated maximum amounts of 20 inches in southeastern Louisiana, southern Mississippi, southern Alabama and the extreme western Florida Panhandle.


For updates on location from the National Hurricane Center, visit:

For a higher resolution MODIS image:

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

NASA watching Issac's approach to US Gulf Coast [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 28-Aug-2012
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Contact: Rob Gutro
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center

NASA satellites have been providing valuable data to forecasters at the National Hurricane Center watching the development and progression of powerful Tropical Storm Isaac as it heads for landfall.

The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) instrument on NASA's Aqua satellite captured this visible image of Tropical Storm Isaac on Aug. 27 at 3:00 p.m. EDT is it was moving northwest through the Gulf of Mexico. Issac's large reach is seen by its eastern cloud cover over the entire state of Florida. At the same time, the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) instrument on Aqua captured infrared data on Isaac's clouds. Cloud top temperatures were colder than ?F (-52C) around the center of circulation and the western quadrant of the storm, and in a large band of thunderstorms east of the center of circulation, over Florida and parts of Cuba. That's where the strongest storms and heaviest rainfall was occurring.

On Aug. 28 at 8:40 a.m. EDT, a visible image of Tropical Storm Isaac taken from NOAA's GOES-13 satellite showed the huge extent of the storm, where the eastern-most clouds lie over the Carolinas and the western-most clouds are brushing east Texas. The image was created by the NASA GOES Project at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. Tropical-storm-force winds extend outward up to 205 miles (335 km) from the center of circulation, making the storm about 410 miles in diameter.

Warnings and watches in effect on Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012 are many. A hurricane warning is in effect for east of Morgan City Louisiana to the Alabama-Florida Border, including Metropolitan New Orleans, Lake Pontchartrain, and Lake Maurepas. A hurricane watch is in effect for Intracoastal City to Morgan City, Louisiana. Tropical Storm Warnings are in effect from the Alabama-Florida border to the Aucilla River, and Morgan City to Cameron, Louisiana. A Tropical Storm Watch is in effect from east of High Island, Texas to just west of Cameron, Louisiana.

On Aug. 28 at 8 a.m. EDT, Tropical Storm Issac's maximum sustained winds were just under hurricane force, at 70 mph (110 kmh). The center of Tropical Storm Isaac was located near latitude 27.8 north and longitude 88.2 west, only about 105 miles (170 km) south-southeast of the mouth of the Mississippi River. Isaac is moving northwest at 7 mph (11 kmh) and is expected to continue in that direction for the next day or two, but it's speed is expected to fluctuate. The National Hurricane Center noted that the center of Isaac will be near or over the Louisiana coast tonight, Aug. 28, or early on Aug. 29.

Storm surge is a deadly part of any landfalling tropical cyclone. The National Hurricane Center (NHC) is warning that storm surge will be highest from Isaac from southeastern Louisiana to Mississippi, where surge levels are expected between 6 and 12 feet during times of high tide. Alabama's coast may experience surge between 4 and 8 feet, while south-central Louisiana and the Florida panhandle can expect between 3 and 6 feet. Florida's west coast including Apalachee Bay can expect a storm surge between 1 and 3 feet.

The NHC expects hurricane conditions in the northern Gulf Coast warning area during the afternoon of Aug. 28. As conditions worsen, isolated tornadoes are possible as with any landfalling tropical cyclone.

NASA's Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite has seen large rainfall rates within Tropical Storm Isaac, and those large rainfall rates and slow movement of the storm will lead to high rainfall totals. The National Hurricane Center expects 7 to 14 inches of rain with possible isolated maximum amounts of 20 inches in southeastern Louisiana, southern Mississippi, southern Alabama and the extreme western Florida Panhandle.


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Monday, August 27, 2012

USW asks Secretaries of Veterans Affairs & Defense to Demand North American Salt Reinstate Decorated Veteran with Full Backpay

Secretaries asked to demand company allow workers to attend Veterans Administration appointments without any negative impact on their employment status

COTE BLANCHE, La., Aug. 27, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- United Steelworkers (USW) International President Leo W. Gerard sent letters to Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki and Secretary of Defense Leon E. Panetta requesting their assistance in getting a decorated Iraq war veteran his job back and in demanding that North American Salt allow workers to attend Veterans Administration (VA) appointments without any negative impact on their employment status.


"While the USW is always proud when the U.S. government purchases goods produced by our union's members, I am writing to you to bring to your attention certain labor relations problems at North American Salt. I especially want to raise concern with the treatment by this company of a highly decorated veteran," USW International President Leo W. Gerard wrote.

"The USW also is concerned that North American Salt not set a pattern of disciplining workers based on their attendance at a VA appointment," he said.

Mr. Gerard's letter to Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki can be viewed HERE. His letter to Secretary of Defense Leon E. Panetta can be viewed HERE.

North American Salt is a subsidiary of Compass Minerals International, Inc., a mining and materials company headquartered in Overland Park, Kan., with operations in the U.S., Canada and the UK. The company had sales of $1.1 billion in 2011. North American Salt operates an underground salt mine in Cote Blanche, La. USW Local 14425 represents about 100 production and maintenance workers at the mine.

Derrick Forestier is an Army Sergeant First Class who served 24 years in active duty until his retirement from the military in September 2011. He served in combat three times and was deployed five times. He received many awards for his service, including a Bronze Star.

When Forestier applied for a job at the Cote Blanche mine he told the company he would need time to go to his VA appointments on account of his combat veteran status.

In December mine management asked him if his VA appointments would be a problem. When he responded that he was a combat veteran and entitled by law to VA treatment, the company's representative told him, "We hire people to work."

Forestier informed the company in advance that he needed to go to the VA for an appointment on Jan. 10, 2012. When he returned from the appointment the operations manager terminated him.

"After reviewing documentation surrounding Mr. Forestier's termination, we think he was wrongly let go," Gerard said. "He sacrificed for our freedom and had the right to attend his VA appointments and this was the 'thanks' he got from North American Salt."

North American Salt also has health and safety problems at its Cote Blanche mine. From January 2009 through Aug. 8, 2012, the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) cited the company with more than 400 health and safety violations at the Cote Blanche mine, with 126 of these violations determined to be "significant and substantial." The company currently is contesting 38 of these violations, 31 of which MSHA has deemed to be "significant and substantial."

In addition, from March 9, 2009 through June 27, 2012 there were 54 accidents reported at the mine, some of which involved worker injuries.

The USW and Local 14425 are engaged in contentious negotiations with North American Salt at the Cote Blanche mine, and the company's conduct has resulted in findings by two administrative law judges from the National Labor Relations Board of numerous violations of federal labor law by North American Salt.

The USW is the largest industrial union in North America and has 850,000 members in the U.S., Canada, and the Caribbean. It represents workers employed in the metals, rubber, chemicals, paper, energy, government and service sectors.????

Contact: Lynne Hancock, USW, 615-828-6169,
Adam Lee, USW, 412-243-4236,

SOURCE United Steelworkers (USW)


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Pets or ? well, you know ? | Good Faith Ranch

While I have always wanted horses, I managed to avoid keeping any animal in the ?livestock? category until I turned 50 and decided to get a trio of laying hens. Not realizing, of course, that chickens are ?gateway livestock.?

Within five years? time, I went from three slightly used chickens to 15 hard-working young layers. From a single raised-bed planter to plans for more than a dozen of them. From my childhood Breyer horses to three real ones. And, of course, from a quarter-acre suburban lot to Rancho Buena Fe?.

Coming next: Goats.

Nigerian dwarf goats, to be specific. Small, friendly and productive, with milk for cheese, butter and soap.

I mentioned on Facebook that I was getting goats, and publicly and privately I started getting word of goats who need homes. Farm sanctuary goats. Shelter goats. Mixed breed and meat goats. Because everyone assumes I?m looking for pets. Which I?m not, not really.

The only animals on this place who get a pass are the dogs and cats, and honestly, they contribute plenty in the way of emotional support and endless amusement. Everyone else (except for Bernadette The Weather Duck? and her companion, ABBA) contribute food, in one way or another. As for me, I bring in the mortgage money and I handle all the care. The rest of the animals:

  • The horses get ridden.
  • The chickens give eggs.
  • The goats give milk.

The gardens provide food for me (and for sale/barter, eventually) with leftovers for the chickens, goats and compost pile. The compost pile gives back to the gardens.

But then, there?s the subject of meat. While I eat less and less meat over time (I?m becoming a ?Fork Over Knives? person, and the meat I do eat is largely raised here or purchased from sources I trust)? my dogs and cats are carnivores, and they?re fed that way. I have two massive freezers in the garage, and I?ll soon be adding another to accommodate serving as a drop site for SF Raw Feeders, a spectacular buying co-op that supports humane, sustainable, regional animal agriculture ? small family farms and ranches.

When I first got those three chickens, back in suburbia, I mentioned to my very sweet neighbors (two sisters who share a home) that I would have extra eggs, if they wanted them. One of them said, ?No, thank you. We?re vegans.? After a little probing whether it was a choice for health or because eating animals was unthinkable, I got that it the latter. So I said, ?You know, these eggs come naturally from chickens who live their lives to the best that any chicken could.?

?Oh no,? said the neighbor. ?We could never kill fetal chickens.?

?I don?t have a rooster,? I said. ?You?re not killing anything.?

They insisted you didn?t need a rooster to make more chickens. At that point, I let the matter drop. I just didn?t have the patience to explain high-school biology to them.

And I certainly didn?t have it to explain why feeding the leftovers of industrial animal agriculture to their dogs and cats (in a bad of kibble) negated pretty much everything they believed.

Which brings me back to meat.

I do not need to squeeze every last dime from my animals, which is why those who give a lifetime of eggs (hens), or milk (goats), or service (horses) will live out their lives here even when they no longer contribute. Beyond that, only the horses are guaranteed to never be fed to something else here at RBF. One of my dogs has killed a chicken or two, and when that happened, the unlucky hen is eviscerated, plucked and put into the freezer. She will later become dog food, fed back to the same dog who killed her. That wasn?t my plan for her, but I?m also not going to waste her final contribution by throwing her body into the trash. (Chickens who are sick I kill swiftly and mercifully, but they DO go in the trash ? I won?t feed sick animals to other animals ? which is more than you can say about a pet-food company.)

But chickens are not that hard to deal with emotionally, at least not for me. I can slaughter them, I can butcher them and since I made that leap, I stopped naming them. The two ducks ? Bernadette and ABBA ? are pets. The chickens are not, although there is always the possibility that one or two of them might become so, names and all. But as I said, barring accident or illness, the laying hens will live out their natural lives after they are no longer productive. The meats birds I?ll be raising next spring will not be. While they?ll be well-cared-for every day of their lives here, they will be raised to end up in my freezer, a few months after they come here. And I?m OK with that, too. The same goes with cockerels: We eat them here.

Pets or meat, we get to make the choice. That?s why I have a pet duck who I got after a field-training sessions ? once in which most of the other ducks died. I have no problem with death. I have a problem with cruelty.

And I really have a problem with people who cringe when I talk about killing poultry for the dogs or the table if they?re buying meat someone else killed after the animals were treated with less compassion than shown to your average end table. (I feel the same way about people who whinge about how ?cruel? hunters are, also while eating factory-farmed meat.)

With the goatly additions, though, I have to do some more thinking. That?s because (for those of you unfamiliar with the concept, such as people who believe in immaculate insemination of chickens) to milk from a goat (or any mammal) you need to breed them. The milk, after all, is intended to be given to offspring, not moochers like us.

While industrial dairies would do what industrial hatcheries do with male offspring if they thought they should get away with it (note: if you have a gentle heart, don?t look it up), what to do with males when you?re someone like me is a very big issue indeed. While the female offspring of a productive dairy goat is not problem to sell, there are not many ?pet? homes for neutered male goats, known as wethers. Then what? Goat meat is very good, but I know I couldn?t personally slaughter and butcher a goat I?d seen born. And I?m only barely able to cope with the idea of having someone else do the dirty work.

Yes, it?s the cute factor, I admit it. I don?t ever plan to have meat rabbits, pigs, cattle (even nifty small ones like Dexters) or sheep. If I can?t find homes for the inevitable wethers or deal with having them butchered for my freezer, next to the chickens I?ve killed myself or the meat I bought from SF Raw ? well, I?ll have no milk, just a goat pet.

And that, I don?t want, and can?t have.

The first wether, the boy goat I?m hoping to buy gave birth to a couple months ago, is staying, because goats can?t be kept as singles. He?ll be a pet to me and a companion for his mother. But that?s all the boy goats there?ll be here, one way or the other.

Image: The dairy goat I?m negotiating to buy now. Well-trained and well-mannered, an excellent producer of top-quality milk.


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Well?s Social List-Making App Thinks Outside The ?To-Do?

wellWell, a new social and?collaborative?to-do list application from former Digg, and Rackspace engineers, is officially launching today on iPhone, web and mobile web.?But according to ex-Digg engineer and Well CEO Arin Sarkissian, the focus for the application isn't only on typical "to-dos" which is why the app's name doesn't include "to-do" in its title.?Instead, the idea for Well is to serve as a repository for any type of list, whether that's books to read, movies to see, things you like or don't like, or even a collection of things you may be comparing in advance of a future purchase.


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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Sandusky Victim 1 sues Penn State over abuse

(Reuters) - A victim of former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky filed a lawsuit against Penn State late on Friday, saying the university deliberately concealed and misrepresented his serial sexual abuse of young boys.

The lawsuit was the third civil action filed against the university by a victim of the longtime defensive coach, Penn State spokesman Dave La Torre said.

Sandusky was convicted in June of 45 counts of sexual abuse of 10 boys over 15 years and faces a prison term of up to 373 years when he is sentenced soon. The scandal rocked the storied Penn State football program and tarnished the legacy of the late Joe Paterno, the team's longtime coach.

An independent investigation by former FBI chief Louis Freeh, commissioned by Penn State, concluded that university officials were alerted to Sandusky's abuse, did nothing to stop it and decided against reporting it to authorities. It said that the school showed a callous disregard for the victims to protect a multimillion-dollar football program.

The lawsuit filed on Friday was on behalf of a boy identified by a grand jury as Victim 1, referred to in the lawsuit as "John Doe C," who said in court that Sandusky performed oral sex on him about 12 times when he was 13 or 14 years old.

Sandusky also had Victim 1, who is now 18, perform oral sex on him one day and also touched the victim's genitals with his hands, according to his testimony.

"We look forward to picking up where the Freeh Report left off," attorney Slade McLaughlin, who is representing Victim 1, told Reuters in an email.

"We want to uncover how and why such heinous acts could have been perpetrated on so many innocent child victims for so long. The public, in general, and our client, in particular, are entitled to answers to these important questions," he said.


The lawsuit alleges that Penn State officials knew that Sandusky was a "dangerous, sociopathic, sexual predator who had previously raped, sodomized, and/or otherwise seriously harmed young boys on the Penn State campus," but covered up those facts to avoid tarnishing the image of the school and its revered football program.

The lawsuit accuses Penn State of negligence, fraudulent concealment, intentional infliction of emotional distress, negligent infliction of emotional distress, and aiding and abetting a civil conspiracy.

Penn State spokesman La Torre said the university could not comment on pending lawsuits but takes the matter seriously.

"President (Rodney) Erickson and the Board of Trustees have publicly emphasized that their goal is to find solutions that rest on the principle of justice for the victims," La Torre said.

Another victim, John Doe A, filed a civil suit against Penn State, Jerry Sandusky and Sandusky's non-profit organization for at-risk youth, The Second Mile, in November 2011.

John Doe A met Sandusky in 1992, when he was 10 years old, through The Second Mile football program. He was sexually abused over 100 times in the following four years, including on the Penn State campus, according to the lawsuit.

It was unclear who had filed the third lawsuit, La Torre said, because only a writ has been filed thus far.

The university previously said it wanted to settle any lawsuits stemming from the scandal "as quickly as possible," and had sufficient insurance to do so.

(Reporting by Mary Slosson; Editing by Greg McCune, Vicki Allen and Philip Barbara)


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The Heights of Jupiter Fl Real Estate | Homes For Sale in Heights of ...

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Heights of Jupiter: The rise of single family affordable homes for sale near Abacoa, Jupiter



The City of Jupiter changed the name of the North Palm Beach Heights to The Heights of Jupiter during the rapid development of the Abacoa county. The community has a variety of fun, sports, and other related income generating activity that provides both the visitors and the residents? daily and monthly organized events to look forward. The location and the social opportunities are boundless in the Heights of Jupiter with all the community amenities attracting investors, the peaceful safe environment attracting tourists, the beaches, and the parks attracting retiring individuals.? The homes for sale in Jupiter Real Estate North Palm Beach heights are a 10 from head to toe. In this neighborhood, the ranch style homes are very popular. Most of the single homes were constructed after the installation of the sewer systems in 1987.

Recreation centers and fun activities in the Heights of Jupiter

The Heights of Jupiter is an affordable family friendly residential community located near the Abacoa and the Downtown at the Gardens. The average price of homes for sale in the North Palm Beach Heights is about $211,000 based on sales for the period May to July 2012. In this community, there is no homeowner association, which means less expenses for the maintenance and other requirements related to the homeowners? association. Most of the single family homes allow 1,000 to 3,000 sq ft of home sizes. The North Palm Beach Heights features bike and jogging trails, playground, and basketball courts. The place is excellent for families with children who love to see regular fireworks and witness the celebration of Christmas festival of lights. The prices of the housing in The Heights of Jupiter are considerably more affordable compared to the recent housing prices in the Palm Beach County. Lying next to the Abacoa has its own advantages. The Jupiter Heights has two access roads for going to the Roger Dean Stadium, golf course communities, shopping, and dining out at fancy restaurants. Imagine sitting in parks with shelters and benches to relax, breathe air, and just let your mind escape the stresses life brings. The neighborhood is 100% custom affordable single family homes with both smaller and larger lots.

The Carlin Park is a pet friendly 118 acre of Jupiter waterfront property, where you can relax and enjoy saltwater fishing and snorkelling. It also features the Carlin Park

Amphitheater, free parking, ball fields, and tennis courts. The Burt Reynolds Park is near the Intracoastal Waterway, where you can see the ramps and boats. It features the Florida History Center and the Museum. The Old Town Park features a variety of trees for the travelers to enjoy cool shade. It features a water fountain in the middle of the park where you can stay for an outdoor picnic. The Sawfish Bay Park provides canoe and kayaking fun activities including fishing. The Captain Kurle?s Reef features an unusual 9 ft long Lemon Sharks courting ceremony during the months of January and February. The Loggerhead Reef features spectacular Caribbean treat watching one of the world?s endangered species, the Loggerhead turtles. Be amazed as you see the turtles glide through the water. A minute ride from the Jupiter Inlet, is the Mystic Rose Fishing Charters, which provides an exciting fishing experience with snapper, grouper, dolphin, tuna, or Kingfish.

Business trends, economic changes in the town of Jupiter: Is buying a house in The Heights of Jupiter good for you?

The Town of Jupiter has an estimated 48,269 population as of 2005. The place ranked as the 5th most populous area in the Palm Beach County. There was an inspiring mean growth of 6.96% per year recorded for the period 1997 to 2005. The growth represented a total increased of approximately 17,277 persons for the specific period. The growth demonstrated twice of the state?s average. The town has been embracing policy and other fiscal strategies to make the family friendly communities in The Heights of Jupiter become sustainable in the years to come. This way, the property values has been projected to stabilize and grow incrementally in the future. In 2007, the Town of Jupiter implemented balanced budgets and consolidation of police communication functions especially the 911 systems. Personal and economic safety? The Heights of Jupiter got it all worked out for their residents.

?What does proximity to the Abacoa Town Center? means?

The Abacoa Town Center features specialty shops, outdoor concerts, and sports bars. Everything is within walking and biking distance here in the Abacoa including the business districts and fine dining restaurants. This non-gated community is a hot market that fits all lifestyles with luxury homes and apartment rentals coming in all shapes and sizes, a clubhouse, and a community pool.

?Jupiter Real Estate Homes for Sale in The Heights of Jupiter

Most featured 4 bedroom single home detached with 3 baths and double sided fireplace is the 6161 Michael St, Jupiter, FL 33458 for only $259,900. This 2,104 ft? only ask for 3% down payment and allows Homepath mortgage financing. You can go test? swim the pool of this beautifully landscaped home.

The 6140 Diamond S, Jupiter FL 33458 features a large space with good ventilation. If you think you need space and air, don?t take it from your wife, go see this single home detached with 4 bedrooms and 3 baths. Is a 2,083 sq ft single detached home good for your personal air and space? This definitely has the comfort and needs of your mother in law in mind. The garage of this fenced home has been converted to a Mother in law suite. If generation gap has been a problem in connecting bonding between your families, take this house to restore peace and fun. Hmn master bath has a Jacuzzi to shoot up a romantic evening. End of day stress? Come sit and watch TV in the open layout expansive living room. The price for peace, fun, and romance right at your home is only $190,000 (bank approved for $190,000).

For more information on The Heights of Jupiter, Fl. real estate, contact Ellen & Scott Lillian 561-809-3233 your Heights of Jupiter real estate specialist. With such affordable prices now is the time to snatch up these affordable single family homes in this great community. Presented by The Lillian Realty Group.

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Redesigning In Today's World. Only The Ideal Tips! - Consumer ...

August 25th, 2012

Apple & Accessories, by SillerGrissett507.

That you can do some jobs if you wish to have a far better house surroundings or should you be acquiring a greater family. Redecorating options are rather a variety of. This information has valuable ideas that may assist you towards boosting your property.
In case you are doing redecorating work with h2o plumbing with your bathroom or kitchen shut down the shutoff valves. The first step in focusing on drinking water piping at your residence is locating the shutoff valves. Using this method, you are ensuring you do not get yourself a deluge.
Blocked gutters can cause severe water damage and mold into a residence. Leaking rain gutters about the sides of homes may cause h2o to drain into the home, which will gradually cause a deluge. Nice and clean out the gutters before this comes about.
A great idea in determining what sort of home remodeling undertaking to do is usually to get supply in doing what you wish to accomplish. A residence enhancement task provides you with a fantastic possibility to add more individual style for your living quarters.
A dormer windows can make a huge attic space much more beneficial. Introducing a dormer window will improve the appearance of the surface of your home and also probably put square footage. This improves your premises importance and offers you a lot much more living area for any really small expenditure.
One way to enhance your home?s benefit would be to change your appliances for the kitchen. It will probably be more than really worth your although to exchange your big home appliances.
You should obtain duplicates of all things as part of data made up of assessment reviews and permit software, plus the makes it possible for their selves. Explain to any licensed contractor you are thinking about utilizing that this is a thing you need.
Lampshades will not be usually very interesting. Go to your nearby arts and crafts retail store, and grab some stencils and acrylic paint. Using the acrylic color, produce some exciting patterns on your own light shade. Doing this will put individuality in your room and take away from your unexciting lampshades.
Ensure you get the rewiring and domestic plumbing handled in a home improvement venture before transferring to anything else. These fixes normally transpire inside of your walls, so make sure they are dealt with prior to having other stuff carried out. Also, it is much easier to accomplish wiring and plumbing fixes when the walls open.
To keep very hot water on a trip via piping throughout the wintertime, you should insulate all plumbing. You can purchase weatherizing adhesive tape which is simple to pertain to your plumbing related facial lines. Weatherizing your domestic plumbing plumbing prevents your pipes from freezing and also bursting, helping you save high priced restoration charges.
A single wonderful home improvement idea is to replace your luminescent lights with cost effective types. This could find yourself costing you less money in the long run in relation to your utility bill. Move your aged, unproductive lights with more recent, far more energy efficient lights.
Now that you are armed with just a few reliable suggestions to help you, setting up a sound determination relating to home remodeling ought to appear significantly less daunting. Remember, high quality renovations to your house will not only enable you to possess a more inviting room and often will also enhance the total benefit of your property.

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Saturday, August 25, 2012

Work Hard On Your Own Home Improvement Right ... - Total Vibration

Pretty much everyone is able to locate a redesigning project that they will discover enjoyable and valuable. When you find yourself a novice, lots of areas can be very perplexing, including which instrument is the best one for the job or do you need a permit to the undertaking you will be going to carry out? So, what need to an amateur do to learn all they may on them? Exploring the advice offered in this article is the best way to begin!

If you engage a professional, be sure you always keep very good documents. Usually do not rely on the professional to deal with this for you. Your data file should include estimations and invoices as well as the papers setting out your initial contract for that work. This permits the contractor to pay attention to finishing the job.

If you would like eliminate popcorn roof, be sure it?s very first evaluated for asbestos fibers. Because the asbestos fibers is extremely poisonous when disturbed, getting rid of it and disposing of the fabric can be a high risk job. If your ceiling features asbestos fibers, you might like to employ a highly skilled crew to take it out.

A wonderful way to enhance a home?s external is always to vegetation dazzling blooms. Make certain that they may be time of year orientated when selecting them. Keep your bushes or hedges appropriately tripped, and mow your garden frequently. Slightly more effort can greatly boost your home?s entrance charm.

Try out incorporating a pergola to your house if you feel the outside appears boring. Pergolas have became popular for its power to generate shaded areas as well as its all-natural appear. With a little bit aid, a pergola can be placed in a weekend break.

When thinking about replacing your units, try using timber units. These are powerful and may withstand a lot of damage. Typically the most popular woods for units are maple, oak and cherry. All this sort of wooden types are suitable for discoloration, so later on if you choose to change the shade, this is certainly very easily attained.

If you decide to redesign your bath room, it?s smart to make certain that it really is handicap-accessible. It?s not essential to produce the entire transformation, however if you prepare for it, it might save time in case a handicap available restroom ought to be needed. If you wish to shift and then sell on your home, these guidelines will allow you to perform some issues around the home which get you even more dollars.

Organizing beforehand constantly increases the achievements home remodeling jobs. If you wait until the undertaking actually starts to make decisions, you could not be able to make a decision or you could make poor choices. By preparing in advance, it will be simpler to perform the work and complete the outcome you are looking for.

Incorporating high quality insulation in your attic is the simplest way to preserve power and spend less. Great quantities of soaring temperature may be shed while in cold months should your house has poor insulation. Basically any home improvement store will bring this insulation and installing it is straightforward.

You could only need to do something to little to obtain additional money out of your house once you market it. In case you are with the sale of your home, take into consideration creating a couple of very little enhancements. You can just offer the internal and outside of your property a new paint task. This is certainly simple and will save you many and boost value of your house.

Kepp your bushes and shrubbery from getting located way too close to your house. Roots could burrow through your house?s basis and might lead to leakages and cracks. Try to transfer the plants that are close to your property further out. If your bushes are little, you may relocate them so long as the fundamental golf ball is still attached.

It can be possible to broaden storing potential through the use of old sneaker containers. You can use fabric or wallpapers to embellish the outsides of the containers to make them a lot more attractive for the eyesight. You could add storage space and design using this method.

You should have a lot more home improvement information given that you?ve browse the earlier mentioned report. Using the previous suggestions, it will be possible to produce your desires a real possibility, and it will be possible to do it properly.

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Military Families United on Hardships of War

The military generally votes Republican, and in the town that's home to Fort Bragg, Paul Ryan found a ready audience on Thursday when he blasted the president on the looming $500 billion in defense cuts. But talk to military families, and politics quickly recedes when you ask them what it's like to have their loved ones deployed.

Erika Nickel and her 14-year-old son Tyler were at a defense roundtable discussion to see Ryan. Erika said she was "excited about this pairing up." But her husband is an Army doctor, and mother and son spoke of the hardships of being a military family, including what Tyler's father will miss while overseas. Tyler's freshman year in high school, for starters.

"People don't realize that they're gone for up to maybe even longer than nine months at a time, and they can miss their sons', their daughters' whole years at school, and they ? miss so many memories at home to sacrifice. They sacrifice to defend our country, and it's a big deal, and I don't think people realize how much they sacrifice," Tyler said.

Erika Nickel agreed with her son, saying it's a "huge sacrifice" both for the soldiers and the family.

"I have my friends and their children they have to think about turning off the news, not listening to anything," Nickel said.

Nickel is worried about the possible cuts, especially how they could affect her husband's security.

"I feel like my husband and a lot of my friends' husbands go over there?and they serve their time, and they're helping our country, and they're helping the people over there, and I feel like they should have the best, that they should have the most security possible to get them back home," Nickel said.

Rhonda Kent is also a military wife who lives here, but her husband is now retired and they run a defense contracting company. She said military families face hardships both when spouses and parents leave for deployment and when they return.

"War is always tough on the family, and it doesn't matter, deployment, whether they're at war or they're in training," Kent said. "It's still going to be tough. It's the separation that's tough. The next thing that's tough is when they come back."

Kent said soldiers returning home, many from continued and lengthy deployments, can suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, but the community has family support groups and "readiness groups that prepare the families that are here."

"It is tough," Kent said. "I mean, I'll tell you. It's tough, and there's no way around that, but having a good support group is one good thing, and making sure that the soldier's diagnosed correctly is the second good thing."

Bill Roberts was also on hand for the event. He's a Romney supporter and a veteran, serving from 1953 to 1973, coming to Fort Bragg with the 82nd Airborne.

He said the war in Afghanistan hasn't affected his family directly, but it has hit the Fort Bragg community hard.

"When I went into the 82nd ? we stayed here, but our troops have to move back and forth too often and too much," Roberts said. "It's been real hard on the families, so I would love to see an end come to that situation [in Afghanistan], and I feel like Romney can bring it to a good closing situation."

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Myrtle Beach boasts of its bright lights, wide beaches and wider range of entertainment, shopping and dining opportunities. Historic Georgetown, once a very important port for metals and rice, bills itself as a key player in the history of the United States. About halfway in between along the Atlantic coast is the laid-back town of Pawleys Island located in Georgetown County, is a little more than three miles long and a quarter-of-a-mile wide.

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Friday, August 24, 2012

Disease Maps Pinpoint Origin of Indo-European Languages

Turkey might be the geographic origin of languages from English to Hindi, according to epidemiological tracking techniques

Hagia Sophia, Istanbul, Turkey Indo-European languages appear to have originated around 7,800 to 9,800 years ago in Turkey. Image: flickr/djjasoncook

By Alyssa Joyce of Nature magazine

Languages as diverse as English, Russian and Hindi can trace their roots back more than 8,000 years to Anatolia ? now in modern-day Turkey. That's the conclusion of a study that assessed 103 ancient and contemporary languages using a technique normally used to study the evolution and spread of disease. The researchers hope that their findings can settle a long-running debate about the origins of the Indo-European language group.

English, Dutch, Spanish, Russian, Greek and Hindi might all sound very different, but there are many commonalities, such as the Dutch moeder, Spanish madre and Russian mat', all of which mean "mother". On this basis, researchers have concluded that more than a hundred languages across Europe and the Middle East, from Iceland to Sri Lanka, stem from a common ancestor.

Some scholars think that Indo-European languages spread with farming techniques from Turkey across Europe and Asia 8,000?9,500 years ago. Others suggest that nomadic ?Kurgan? horsemen brought the origins of Indo-European language from central Asia about 6,000 years ago. There is archaeological evidence to support both theories, but genetic studies of Indo-Europeans have been inconclusive, leading to an intractable debate among linguists, anthropologists and cultural historians.

Taking sides
In 2003, Russell Gray and his then doctoral student, Quentin Atkinson, at the University of Auckland in New Zealand generated a maelstrom of controversy by claiming to have solved, by computer modeling, what has been described as ?the most intensively studied, yet still the most recalcitrant, problem of historical linguistics?, coming down on the side of Anatolia4 (see 'Language tree rooted in Turkey').

Neither Gray nor Atkinson is a linguist. But they believed they could work with the kinds of tools employed in evolutionary ecology to answer important questions about language prehistory.

Genes and words have several similarities, and language evolution has conventionally been mapped using a "family tree" format. Gray and Atkinson theorized that the evolution of words was similar to the evolution of species, and that the ?cognate? of words ? how closely their sounds and meanings are related to one another ? could be modeled like DNA sequences and used to measure how languages evolved. By extension, the rate at which words changed ? or mutated ? could be used to determine the age at which Indo-European languages diverged from one another.

Using methods from evolutionary biology, the duo compared common words in 87 Indo-European languages, such as 'mother', 'hunt' and 'sky', to figure out how language ?species? were related to one another. They traced the origins of Indo-European languages to 7,800?9,800 years ago, supporting the Anatolian hypothesis.

Critics were skeptical. Gray and Atkinson had determined when the languages originated, but not where. So, in a paper published today in Science, Atkinson, Gray and their colleagues address this using the type of geography-based computer modeling normally used by epidemiologists to track the spread of disease1.

The locations of current Indo-European languages are well known, and the geographic origin of older, extinct languages ? such as Ancient Greek or Sanskrit ? can be inferred from the historical record. In this way, the researchers believed they could track the movement of the Indo-European languages in the same way that epidemiological models trace a disease outbreak to its source. Once again, they conclude that the origin is Anatolia.


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