Friday, November 30, 2012

The History of International Business Taxation and the Effect of ...

With the globalization of world economy, international business taxation plays a vital role in international trading. This essay introduces the history and the development of international business taxation in aspects of tax reform and the changes in corporate income tax briefly, meanwhile, analysis the negative and positive effect of international tax competition.

Key Words: history of international business taxation, international tax competition

This essay is aim to present the history of international business taxation and the tax reform in the past few decades and discuss the effect of international tax competition. In the first paragraph, we will introduce the history of international taxation from the World War I to recent years. The tax reform in the last two decades of EU and G7 countries also be indicate in this paragraph. As the development of international economy and business taxation, countries compete with each other in order to attract foreign investment. In paragraph two, we will introduce the international tax competition and present some empirical evidences of international tax competition. However, the effect of international tax competition has been debated fierce in recent years. In paragraph three, the negative effect of international tax competition will be discussed and the positive effect will be discussed in the following paragraph.

James (1998) states that taxation is ?A compulsory levy made by public authorities for which nothing is received directly in return?. It is necessary to review the international trade before we discuss the international taxation. International trade can be date back to over two thousand years which stated by Liu (1998, p.xiii) traders from Mesopotamia, Greece and Phoenicia made themselves very rich by engaging in Mediterranean trade. The international trade grows with the development of international economy. The first Bilateral Tax Agreement was signed between Belgium and France in 1843 when the international business taxation is still in an embryonic stage. Nevertheless, the international taxation system has been actually recognized since the World War I which plays a significant role in international finance, trading, and investment. At the beginning, international trade has been taxed trough indirect ways. The international business tax has been derived from customs duties when the goods and services imported from abroad. After the World War ?, the international business taxation system has been increasingly liberalized which the basic principles of international tax agreements have been laid out and spread quickly. The means of international trade taxed have been changed with a related increasing in direct sources. The whole taxation system were developed around how business profit being taxed. With the rapid growth of international economy, issues arose from the conflicts between jurisdictional rights to tax. Jurisdictions care about where the cost and revenue were generated and will be expensed. The profits and returns were taxed in forms of direct tax in the country which permanent establishment can be found or simply in forms of withholding tax.? Double taxation becomes the central problem of international taxation. Tax treaties have been emerged in order to reduce the bad effects of double taxation, enable tax neutrality, to avoid double tax and facilitate the international trade and investment. It provides the possibility to visit and invest overseas without paying large amount of tax. ?The OECD, USA and UN have produced model treaties after the World War ?. The commentary and OECD treaty being always updated which has been treated as a starting point for negotiation. The treaties defined and allocated the rights of countries to tax. Generally speaking, the returns on overseas investment should be taxed by residence principle whereas the business profits of companies are taxed by source principle. This compromise concealed the conflicts between countries which were mainly capital-exporters and capital-importers. While the international tax agreements are useful and practical tool to resolve the jurisdictional rights between countries to tax income created by multinational companies, it is necessary to require continual renegotiation between countries as a result of countries compete with each other to attract foreign investment. Tax reform especially the corporate income tax in industry countries has been considered from the 1980s. The average statutory rates have been decreased from 48% to 35% from the beginning of the 1980s to 2001. The corporate tax rate has been declined over this period except Spain and Italy. In 1992, the EU appointed that the minimum statutory corporation tax rate has been proposed to 30% which is at the bottom of that time except the Ireland. At the end of 1990s, nearly half of the EU countries? statutory corporation tax rates were at or below 30%. For instance, the main corporate tax rate in the UK was below 30% all the time over the past few years. According to the tax reform in the EU and G7 countries, the tax reform movements are almost universal such as lower tax rate and broaden tax base in order to attract new foreign investment.

To some extent, the universal tax reform movement of reduce the tax rate may indicates the signal of a process of international tax competition. In this tax competition world, the tax rates are not set absolutely freedom as it is necessary for countries to pay attention to what their rivals have been doing. Different tax jurisdictions use their tax system to compete with each other thereby attracting foreign investments. There are two kinds of foreign investments in broadly; they are portfolio investment and foreign direct investments respectively. The portfolio investments do not involve running a business which including bank deposits, company shares holdings, government securities holdings, bond holdings and so on. On the other hand, the foreign direct investment involves found the business such as subsidiaries and branches in another countries. In this essay, we focus on the tax competition based on the foreign direct investment. There are a number of forms of tax competition which the most common one is the lower tax rate. In addition, the tax-free zones, tax holidays, reduction or elimination of withholding taxes, particular investment allowance, and accelerated depreciation deductions for foreign investors are common forms of tax competition as well. There are some empirical evidences of tax competition of the last two decades. The figures 1 demonstrate there is a steady decrease of corporate tax rates in the EU from 1995 to 2006 and the figure 2 indicates the evolution of corporate tax rates for OECD and EU from 1995 to 2007. If we confirm the international tax competition accompany with the corporate rates reduction, the evolution of the EU tax systems in the last two decades is a perfect instance of international tax competition between each tax jurisdictions. Tax rates have significantly decreased as a consequence of international tax competition. Specifically, the figure 2 shows the average tax rates have decreased by nearly 10% for EU15 from 1993 to 2007 and declined to less than 20% in 2007 for EU 10. The entry of new members of the EU in 2005 may take more pressure on the international tax competition of the old EU.

Figure 1: Statutory corporate tax rates in the EU from 1995 to 2006

Figure 2: The evolution of corporate tax rates in OECD and EU, 1995-2006

It is obvious that as the accelerating of the process of globalization, countries expand the tax competition for mobility of tax base and attract investment. But the issue arose from how does international tax competition works. On the one hand, from the literature review, there is no controversy about the harmful of international tax competition in the world. W. Oates (1972) states that ?The result of tax competition may well be a tendency toward less than efficient levels of output of local services. In an attempt to keep taxes low to attract business investment, local officials may hold spending below those levels for which marginal benefits equal marginal costs, particularly for those programs that do not offer direct benefits to local business.? Consequently, the negative effect may obtain from the international tax competition on suboptimal level of public expenditure. Local governments may found themselves involved in a tax rate war which similar to the market price war so as to attract tax bases. There will be a loss of tax revenue and the earnings will be gone to multinational companies instead thus the government would be more difficult to supply public goods and service. Furthermore, the international tax competition might lead to an unfair tax system. In order to balance the financial resources, the shortfall in corporate tax as a result of tax rate reduction caused by international tax competition will be passed on to the property tax, consumption tax, income tax and other tax base with relatively weak mobility. In addition, the international tax competition provides the possibility for the transfer pricing and international tax avoidance. For instance, subsidiary A within a multinational company located in low tax regime supply goods and services to subsidiary B within a multinational company located in high tax regime for ?high? price thus the profit of subsidiary A is higher and the opposite of subsidiary B. Therefore, the net profit after tax within the group will be increased as a result of transfer pricing. In economic literature, competition to some degree seems to be a special value and meaning. Competition is the key variable of the market mechanism which can lead to improve the efficient allocation in public sector. However, it is opposite in tax domain, an inefficient allocation might occur when there is an international tax competition between countries. Different tax jurisdictions tend to attract tax bases through the mobility of consumers and corporate. Tax bases will be reallocated among countries as a result of this mobility. Multinational companies will endeavor to exploit the possible tax arbitrage by transfer into the more beneficial regions. The gain of the tax base by one jurisdiction comes from the loss of another. Hence, tax externality between countries would be caused by the mobility.

On the other hand, there is another voice for support the tax competition. Other things being equal, the country who takes part in international tax competition will attract more cash flows thereby promoting the development of the country?s economy.? The case of Ireland provides an excellent instance of benefit from international tax competition even if this particular regime expired at the end of 2005. There are a number of benefits can be obtained by shareholders through the using of Irish financial service centre companies such as 200% deduction for rental expenditure, 100% reduction for equipment or refurbishment in relation to buildings, 10% tax rate and exemption from stamp duty. Ireland has been highly successful in tax competition and attracts a large number of financial service companies to run business in Dublin which has overtaken Luxembourg as the EU?s leading jurisdiction for cross-border life assurance. Furthermore, the value of investment fund assets has been grown faster than other countries especially in hedge funds which facilitate the stock market to manage the funds established outside the EU. Ireland has become a significant cross-border services financial market.

Besides, in general, high tax rates, unfair taxation and non-standard tax system will affect the taxpayer?s decision-making behavior and resulting in unnecessary loss, damage the tax neutrality. However, international tax competition will lead countries to reduce their tax rates and broaden the tax base, thereby reducing the distorting effects of tax in economy and conducive to implementing the principle of tax neutrality.


Since the World War I the international taxation system has been recognized and afterwards the tax competition has been emerge with the development of international economy and tax system. Countries compete with each other to attract foreign investment. Even though the limit harmful of international tax competition is undisputed, we cannot neglect its positive effect.

Bernauer, T. and Styrsky, V. (2004) Adjustment or Voice? Corporate Responses to International Tax Competition. European Journal of International Relations, 10 (1): 61-94.

Devereux, M.P., Griffith, R. and Klemm, A. (2002) Corporate income tax reforms and international tax competition. Economic Policy, 17 (35): 450-495.

Edgar, T. (2003) Corporate Income Tax Coordination as a Response to International Tax Competition and International Tax Arbitrage. Canadian Tax Journal, 51 (3): 1079-1158.

Ferrett, B. and Wooton, I. (2010) Competing for a duopoly: international trade and tax competition. Canadian Journal of Economics, 43 (3): 776-794.

Gravelle, J.G. (1986) International Tax Competition: does it make a Difference for Tax Policy? National Tax Journal, 39 (3): 375-384.

Ida, T. (2006) International Tax Competition and Double Taxation. Review of Urban & Regional Development Studies, 18 (3): 192-208.

Lymer, A. and Hasseldine, J. (2002) The international taxation system. Boston, Mass. ; London: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Enrico Buglione (2010) Tax Competition and Fiscal Federalism in Italy. OECD Conference on Tax Competition Between Sun-central Governments Bern, 31 May- 1 June 2010 Available at:

Oates, Wallace E. (1972) Fiscal Federalism, New York, Harcourt Brace.

Tags: free essay, international business

Category: Free Essays, History


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Understanding How to Market Intuitive Website Content and Design ...

Dynamic website design is clearly becoming the latest business wave of internet design. Much of the reason is due to the proliferation and easy access of smart phones and mobile devices that display web pages. Because the average consumer today is relying far more on his mobile device to find businesses, products and services while on the go, dynamic website design is putting responsive businesses in the forefront of those consumer searches. However, a new aspect is also quickly becoming apparent in mobile internet searches: localization.

Dynamic website design essentially determines what kind of internet device a person is reaching a website with and transmits the best website format for that device. If the reader is using a regular desktop computer, then he will see a traditional web page. Conversely, if he?s using a tablet or a smartphone, then he will see a mobile version of the website which loads faster and works better with mobile devices.

Localization of a website takes the matter a step further. Now, not only does the website understand what device a person is using, it can also determine if the person is in the nearby area, pulling up web site content that is specific to a local customer and directing him to the brick-and-mortar address of the business, if it applies. This design feature can even dictate what language the website is displayed on a user?s device.

While it?s a straightforward process creating the necessary website design to trigger the two reactions to mobile devices, the content and benefits still have to be written in such a way that makes them appealing to both the customer, as well as the small business desiring local awareness.

Marketing these services along with relevant website content to small businesses depends highly on showing a company how both internet features bring a local customer right to the small business? doorstep. That means the web site content writer and designer both have to work together to produce a customized model of what a small business? redesigned website would look like, specific to local interests. The goal, of course, is that when an internet user pulls out his phone and looks for a local service or product, he will find the business whose web site meets his need the fastest in the immediate area. This concept can be discussed with a sales pitch, but a picture is worth a thousand words. Small businesses are truly convinced when they see an actual model of tailored content and dynamic website design actually working.

A designer and web site content writer can?t necessarily go modeling websites without being paid first by a given client. Charity doesn?t keep a content provider fed. So the next best approach, marketing-wise, is to show a new potential client how the two internet tools and tailored web site content work using a past project or similar business that is already up and running online. Seeing is believing, and using a visual model can convince small business owners quickly of dynamic design/localization internet combination benefits for their brick-and-mortar stores.

Tom L is a freelance writer available on WriterAccess, a marketplace where clients and expert writers connect for assignments.


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Health and Fitness Talk ? Strep Throat

by Kimberly Allen, RN

Strep throat is one of those conditions that is more prevelant during?the winter but can occur at any time.? Not all sore throats ore strep?throat, most are viral infections.? Though you can contract strep?throat at any age it is most common in children and teens between 5-15?years of age.? Strep throat affects both boys and girls equally.?There are over 600 million cases of strep throat diagnosed worldwide?with at least 11 million people in the US being diagnosed with strep?throat every year.? Where 37% of children between the ages of 5-15?with a?sore throat?have strep throat it usually affects only about?15% of adults with a sore throat.

Strep throat is caused by group A streptococcus bacteria and is highly?contagious.? The most common method of transmission is through air?borne droplets.? Which means if you are living in or working in close?proximity to someone that is infected with strep chances are you?re?going to get it too.? Day care centers and schools are the most common?places where the strep bacteria spread.

Symptoms of strep throat usually manifest between 1-4 days after?becoming infected.? The symptoms of strep throat mimic those of other?sore throat conditions, however, they tend to be more severe.? You or?your child will develop a fever above101F that may develop suddenly or?develop slowly, chills may or may not accompany the fever.? Most?people especially children complain of a sore throat that may be?severe enough to interfere with swallowing.? If you look at your?child?s throat you will usually see red and white patches in the throat?and the tonsils are usually enlarged and red.? You may notice that you?or your child have swollen and/or tender lymph glands in the neck.?Most people also experience a general feeling of malaise and fatigue?with a poor appetite, headache and stomach ache.? Young children may?also experience nausea and vomiting.

Strep throat is diagnosed by the Dr taking a throat culture.? The Dr?or lab technician will take a cotton swab and wipe the back of your?child?s throat and culture it in the lab which takes approximately 48?hours.? In some cases your Dr may request a rapid antigen test on the?swab sample which can determine if there is strep bacteria present in?minutes.? However, these tests can miss some strep infections so if it?comes out negative frequently the Dr will also have a culture done to?verify the results.

The treatment of choice for strep throat is antibiotic therapy.? In?most casess the Dr will prescribe oral amoxicillin, however, in young?children that are having a very difficult time swallowing the Dr may?give an in jection of penicillin.? For people that are allergic to?penicillin the Dr will prescribe a different antibiotic like keflex or?erythromycin.? The Dr will determine the length of time you or your?child need to take antibiotics.? The most common problem with?antibiotic therapy is that once you feel better many people either?forget to take them or just stop taking them.? It?s important to?always complete any course of antibiotics your Dr prescribes or the?infection can return and increase the potential for serious?complications.

The best way to prevent strep throat isto practice good hand washing?and to teach children todo the same.? Either use warm soap and water?when available or an alcohol based hand sanitizer.? Always cover your?mouth using the crook of your elbow and teach children to do the same.?Should you or your child have strep throat do not share drinking?glasses or utensils with anyone and always wash them with hot soapy?water.

Kimberly Allen is a registered nurse with an AND in nursing. She has worked in ACF, LCF and psychiatric facilities, although she spent most of her career as a home health expert. She is now a regular contributor to, dispensing advice and knowledge about medical issues and questions. You can reach her with any comments or questions at?

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Thursday, November 29, 2012

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Proteins that work at the ends of DNA could provide cancer insight

ScienceDaily (Nov. 29, 2012) ? New insights into a protein complex that regulates the very tips of chromosomes could improve methods of screening anti-cancer drugs.

Led by bioengineering professor Sua Myong, the research group's findings are published in the journal Structure.

Myong's group focused on understanding the proteins that protect and regulate telomeres, segments of repeating DNA units that cap the ends of chromosomes. Telomeres protect the important gene-coding sections of DNA from loss or damage, the genetic equivalent of aglets -- the covering at the tips of shoelaces that keep the ends of the laces from unraveling or fraying.

Telomeres play an important role in cell aging and death, since each time a cell divides, a little bit is lost from the end of the telomere. Thus, cell biologists postulate that telomere length can determine the lifespan of a cell. Cancer cells, however, have a way to get around this limitation: An enzyme called telomerase that adds length to telomeres is highly active in cancer cells. This allows cancer cells to divide in perpetuity, running amok through tissues and systems.

"Cancer researchers want to get a hold of this problem, control this indefinite lengthening of the telomeres," said Myong, who also is affiliated with the Institute for Genomic Biology at the U. of I. "A lot of the anti-cancer drugs are targeted directly to these telomeres so that they can inhibit telomerase activity. The proteins we study regulate the activity of telomerase."

Using a technique developed at Illinois that allows researchers to watch single molecules interact in real time, Myong's group determined how two proteins called POT-1 and TTP-1 bind to the telomere. POT-1 protects the fragile telomere ends from being attacked by other regulatory proteins that might mistake the end for a broken or damaged area of DNA. When POT-1 and TTP-1 work together in a complex, they promote telomerase activity, an interesting target for cancer researchers.

The group found that on its own, POT-1 binds to the folded-up telomere in distinct steps at particular points in the telomere's DNA sequence, unfolding the telomere in a stepwise manner. However, the POT-1/TTP-1 complex surprised the researchers by binding, then freely sliding back and forth along the telomere end.

"Instead of stepwise binding, what we saw was a mobile protein complex, a dynamic sliding motion," Myong said. "Somehow it was as if the static binding activity of POT-1 is completely lost -- the protein complex just slid back and forth. We were able to reproduce the data and confirm it with many different tail lengths of the telomeric DNA and we know now that the contact between POT-1 and the telomere is somehow altered when the partner protein comes and binds."

Next, the researchers will add telomerase and see how the sliding activity of the POT-1/TTP-1 complex affects telomerase activity. Myong postulates that the sliding may promote telomerase activity -- and thus telomere lengthening -- by making the end of the telomere accessible for the telomerase enzyme to bind.

"We are excited about the possibility that this kind of mobility can increase the telomerase extension activity," Myong said. "It's somehow engaging the enzyme so that it can stay bound to the DNA longer. So it must involve a direct interaction."

Ultimately, understanding the POT-1/TTP-1 complex gives drug developers a new target for anti-cancer drugs, and the assay Myong's group used to monitor the complex could offer a venue for evaluating telomere-targeting drugs.

"We want to extend our a basic science knowledge in telomere biology into causes of cancer and we hope that our assay can be useful for telomere-targeted drug screening," Myong said.

The American Cancer Society and the Human Frontier Science Research Program supported this work.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Helen Hwang, Noah Buncher, Patricia?L. Opresko, Sua Myong. POT1-TPP1 Regulates Telomeric Overhang Structural Dynamics. Structure, 2012; 20 (11): 1872 DOI: 10.1016/j.str.2012.08.018

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Finding the Right ?Who? By Knowing ?Where?: Networking At Meetups

If you?re an aspiring entrepreneur, the one skill that you should start honing (if you?re not already an aficionado at it) is being a great people-person. Not to say that introverts can?t be incredibly successful entrepreneurs ? because they can ? or that you have to learn to like everyone ? because you won?t ? but it?s helpful in every aspect of starting a business to develop a strong network of human beings. I don?t recommend going up to every stranger on the block to chat them up but I suggest that you make an effort to take an hour a week and go to a meetup, social, startup gathering etc. and meet one new individual who you can potentially add to your professional network. Knowing people who know the right people can help you to find customers, co-founders, resources, investments, contacts and much more. Here are the three best places to get your networking started:

1. Use Online to Get Offline

Every couple of days the tool Meetup, sends me reminders of potential events in my area that I?d be interested in. If I?m feeling brave I?ll even do a search for meetups that are specifically catered to wannabe startup founders and the like but more often than not I?ll attend a meetup if someone I know is hosting, there?s someone I know who?s speaking or if the startup event has a very compelling agenda (Business Plan 101 or Coding for Beginners). I?ve learned a lot and met many great people who have since ended up working with me, buying my product or recommended my offering to an ?investor friend.? Take a pal with you if you?re attending a meetup for the first time because it can be daunting to walk into a room full of new people. But if you?re a smart entrepreneur, you won?t think of a gathering of strangers as a reason to run and a hide but an opportunity to show and tell. Other great tools to find meetups are Facebook Events, LinkedIn Events, and Eventbrite.

2. Volunteer Your Time

Last summer a friend mentioned to me that she wanted to quit her uninspiring desk job in corporate advertising and fulfill her dream to work for the environment. Unfortunately she had no idea what she wanted to do or, as a resident of NYC, how to get into the industry. I suggested that she go volunteer at a rooftop organic garden in Brooklyn and literally ?get her hands dirty.? Once she started nobody could stop her. Over a short span of a few months she was gaining invaluable experience in the industry she wanted to work in and she was meeting all the right kind of people ? from environmental studies majors with cutting-edge ideas to growers, farmers, local food vendors etc. If you?re looking to meet like-minded people in the field you want to break into, I recommend that you go and volunteer on the weekends; you?ll expand your network in no time.

3. Mix Pleasure with Business

The one thing that brings people together is food, or baseball or cult films. What I?m saying is that you don?t have to do your business networking in only professional settings. Everyone, even the most industrious, blackberry-touting, skyping-colleagues-on-the-run, businessperson has a hobby. If you can attend fun social events but still meet people who would later be a great company contact, all the more better for you. For example: if you have a friend who knows someone that you?d potentially like to work with, ask your friend to host a small potluck where you can meet them.


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Study Finds Most Pork Contaminated With Yersinia Bacteria

Nov 27, 2012 6:24pm

A sample of raw pork products from supermarkets around the United States found that yersinia enterocolitica, a lesser-known food-borne pathogen, was present in 69 percent of the products tested, according to a study released today by Consumer Reports.

The ?bacteria ?infects more than 100,000 Americans a year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,?but ?for every case that is confirmed with a laboratory test, about 120 more cases escape diagnosis. Symptoms can include fever, cramps and bloody diarrhea.

For its sample, Consumer Reports included the same pork products millions of Americans buy every day at their supermarkets. The study included 148 pork chops and 50 ground pork samples from around the United States.

In the samples tested, 69 percent tested positive for yersinia and 11 percent for enterococcus, which can indicate fecal contamination?that can?lead to urinary-tract infections. Salmonella and listeria, the more well-known bacterium, registered at 4 percent and 3 percent, respectively.

?The results were concerning,???Urvashi Rangan, one of the authors of the report, told ?It?s hard to say that there was no problem.? It shows that there needs to be better hygiene at animal plants.?Yersinia wasn?t even being monitored for.?

In a written statement, the Pork Producer?s Council questioned the methods used by Consumer Reports, saying?the number of samples tested, 198, did ??not provide a nationally informative estimate of the true prevalence of the cited bacteria on meat.?

Despite the findings, Rangan said ?it?s good to know that the bacteria can be killed by cooking the pork properly and by being vigilant about cross-contamination.

Pork cuts should be cooked to 145 degrees, while ground pork needs to reach a temperature of 160 degrees to kill the bacteria.

?Anything that touches raw meat should go into the dishwasher before touching anything else,? Rangan said.??Juices from raw meat that touch the counter should be washed with hot soapy water.?

The U.S. Department of Agriculture ?said the findings ?affirm?that companies are meeting the established guidelines for protecting the public?s health.

?USDA will remain vigilant against emerging and evolving threats to the safety of America?s supply of meat, poultry and processed egg products, and we will continue to work with the industry to ensure companies are following food safety procedures in addition to looking for new ways to strengthen the protection of public health,? the department said in a statement.

ABC News? Dr. Anita Chu contributed reporting.?

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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Home Based Business University - Internet Radio

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    On his show, Comedian Rodney Perry covers arts and entertainment, everything from comedy and politics to music and acting, with his signature comedic slant.

  • MashUp Radio is a 30-minute podcast that discusses the fusion of technology, life, culture and science. Host Peter Biddle, engineer and executive for Intel?s Atom Software, dishes up a thought-provoking discussion.

  • Joy Keys provides her listeners with insight to improve their lives mentally, physically, monetarily and emotionally. Past guests on the show have included Meshell Nedegeocello, Blair Underwood, in addition to an impressive list of CEOs, humanitarians and authors.

  • Host Barry Moltz gets small businesses unstuck. He has founded and run small businesses with a great deal of success and failure for more than 15 years. This is a business radio show where he shares all the craziness of small business. It?s that craziness that actually makes it exciting, interesting and totally unpredictable.

  • The Bottom Line Sports Show is hosted by former NBA stars Penny Hardaway, Charles Oakley, Mateen Cleaves. Tune in to get the inside scoop on what's happening in sports today.

  • Deepak Chopra Radio provides an online forum for compelling and thought provoking conversations on success, love, sexuality and relationships, well-being and spirituality.

  • Hits Radio covers basketball, sports culture and entertainment with past guests including Jason Kidd, Robin Lundberg and Chris Herren.

  • Listeners get an earful on The Halli Casser-Jayne Show, Talk Radio for Fine Minds. Whether it?s the current political cocktail or the latest must-read award-winning book, Halli tackles all topics and likes to stir ? and sometimes shakes ? things up.

  • Award-winning World Footprints is a leading voice in socially responsible travel and lifestyle. Hosts Ian & Tonya celebrate culture and heritage and bring a unique voice to the world of travel.

  • Football Reporters Online is a group of veteran football experts in the fields of coaching, scouting, talent evaluation, and writing/broadcasting/media placement. Combined, the group brings well over 100 years of expertise in sports.

  • Host John Martin interviews the nation's leading entrepreneurs and small biz experts to educate small business owners on how to be successful. Past guests have included Emeril Lagasse and Guy Kawasaki.

  • The Movie Geeks share their passion for the art through interviews with the stars of and creative minds behind your favorite flicks and pay tribute to big-screen legends. From James Cameron and Francis Ford Coppola to Ellen Burstyn and Robert Duvall, The Geeks have got'em all.

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    Schaeuble tells MPs key Greek issues unresolved: sources

    BERLIN (Reuters) - German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble told lawmakers at a closed-door session on Wednesday that Greece's lenders remained divided over how to fill a 14 billion euro hole in its finances and how to define debt sustainability for the euro zone's weakest link, participants told Reuters.

    European finance ministers, the European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) failed for a second straight week on Tuesday to reach a deal to free up new aid for Greece, and are to meet again on Monday.

    Schaeuble met members of parliament on Wednesday morning to explain the failure of the negotiations, which pushed down the euro and prompted sharp attacks from German opposition parties.

    One participant said Schaeuble had told members of his conservative party that lenders had failed to resolve the issue of whether 2020 or 2022 would be used as a benchmark for Greek debt sustainability and also how to fill a 14 billion euro gap in the country's finances through 2014.

    The source said Schaeuble had explained that the ECB believed Greece could raise 9 billion euros itself by issuing short-term debt. Another Christian Democrat lawmaker said the minister had told participants that a debt buyback could be part of the solution.

    (Reporting by Andreas Rinke; Writing by Noah Barkin, Editing by Gareth Jones)


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    Tuesday, November 20, 2012

    Congo rebels seize eastern city as U.N. forces look on

    GOMA, Democratic Republic of Congo (Reuters) - Rebels widely believed to be backed by Rwanda seized Goma in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo on Tuesday, parading past U.N. peacekeepers who gave up the battle for the frontier city of one million people.

    Fighters from the M23 group entered Goma after days of clashes with U.N.-backed Congolese soldiers that forced tens of thousands of residents to flee, raising fears of human rights abuses in the sprawling lakeside city.

    A senior U.N. source told Reuters that international peacekeepers gave up defending Goma after the Congolese troops evacuated under pressure from the advancing rebels.

    "There is no army left in the town, not a soul... Once they were in the town what could we do? It could have been very serious for the population," he said asking not to be named.

    The M23 rebellion has aggravated tensions between Congo and its neighbor Rwanda, which Kinshasa's government says is orchestrating the insurgency as a means of grabbing the chaotic region's mineral wealth. Rwanda denies the assertion.

    "We will continue (resisting) until Rwanda has been pushed out of our country ... There will be absolutely no negotiations with M23," Congolese Information Minister Lambert Mende said, adding that Kinshasa would talk directly only with Rwanda.

    U.N. experts say Rwanda, a small but militarily capable neighbor that has intervened in Congo repeatedly over the past 18 years, is behind the revolt. Congo's mineral wealth, including diamonds, gold, copper and coltan - used in mobile phones - has inflamed the conflict and little has been spent on developing a country the size of Western Europe.

    The capture of Goma will also be an embarrassment for President Joseph Kabila, who won re-election late last year in polls that provoked widespread riots and which international observers said were marred by fraud.

    Congolese state television reported on Tuesday that Kabila, who has made few public comments on the rebellion in recent weeks, is travelling to Uganda, the mediator in the conflict with the eastern rebels.

    Uganda's Junior Foreign Affairs Minister Asuman Kiyingi told Reuters the rebels would not attend the talks.

    In the Congolese capital Kinshasa, security forces used tear gas and fired shots in the air to disperse a few hundred youths protesting about the fall of Goma. Residents in Congo's second city, Kisangani, attacked Kabila's local party headquarters.

    While conflict has simmered almost constantly in Congo's east in recent years, this is the first time Goma has fallen to rebels since foreign troops officially pulled out under peace deals at the end of the most recent 1998-2003 war.


    Hundreds of M23 fighters accompanied their leader Sultani Makenga into Goma, where they were greeted by cheering crowds shouting "welcome" and "thank you". Before they arrived intoxicated local people had thrown up roadblocks of stones in the largely deserted streets pelted by heavy rain.

    "We've taken the town, it's under control," said Colonel Vianney Kazarama, a spokesman for the rebels. "We're very tired, we're going to greet our friends now." On Monday, Kazarama had denied the rebels would take the city.

    Analysts said it was unclear if M23 would try to make Goma a stepping stone towards Kinshasa, as past rebellions have done, or would use the victory to push the government into talks.

    "By making this demand (for talks), the M23 aimed to reduce the crisis to a domestic affair, thereby preventing Kinshasa from internationalizing it in order to negotiate a solution at the regional level...," conflict think tank International Crisis Group said in a note.

    Goma's fall risked triggering "serious human rights abuses against civilian populations" and had the potential to "relaunch open warfare between the (Democratic Republic of Congo) and Rwanda".

    Before M23 took the city, streams of residents headed for the nearby border with Rwanda. More than 50,000 people who fled earlier fighting abandoned refugee camps around Goma, according to Oxfam.

    "With the war, we're suffering so much, I've never seen anything like this in my life," a woman who gave her name only as Aisha told Reuters, clutching her three children.

    While M23 has been accused of abuses in areas it controls, it has also set up an administration that tries to provide basic services such as health care, police training and rubbish removal, residents have told Reuters.

    M23 is led by mutinying soldiers who rose up eight months ago, contending that Congo's government violated a 2009 peace deal that was meant to integrate them into the army. Many, however, believe they have since become a front for Rwanda.

    Congo analyst Jason Stearns said Rwanda would draw international criticism for the fall of Goma, the capital of Congo's North Kivu province, but also regain influence. Donor nations, some of which had frozen aid to Kigali over its alleged backing for the rebellion, would be forced to accept its role in any negotiated settlement with Kinshasa.

    "Donors, and probably the Congolese government, will have no choice but to deal with the rebels and call on Rwanda to help," he said.

    Rwanda accused Congolese troops on Monday of shelling the Rwandan border town of Gisenyi, injuring three people, but it added it would not respond militarily to what it called Congo's "provocation".

    Rwandan Foreign Minister Louise Mushikiwabo said Goma's fall showed there was no military solution and called for talks.


    The U.N. has about 6,700 peacekeeping troops in North Kivu, including some 1,400 troops in and around Goma, and the mission had previously promised to defend the town, using attack helicopters to strike rebel advances.

    On Tuesday afternoon armored U.N. vehicles still circulated in the streets of Goma, offering help to residents, but troops did not try to block the rebels. No government soldiers were to be seen, with residents saying they left along the main road west toward Bukavu after the rebels began infiltrating.

    Wars in the central African nation have killed about 5 million people and many eastern areas are still afflicted by violence from a number of rebel groups, despite the decade-long peacekeeping mission.

    Uganda has blamed the escalation of fighting on a leaked U.N. report that accused it and Rwanda of supporting Congolese rebels, a document Kampala said damaged its mediation efforts.

    Kampala has vigorously denied the U.N. charges, which emerged in October, and Kiyingi said they had undermined Kampala's mediating role.

    "Uganda was mediating in this conflict ... and we had managed to restrain M23," he said. "Then the U.N. comes up with these wild and baseless allegations against us and we decided to step aside and leave the situation to them and now you see the results."

    Uganda has threatened to pull its troops out of peacekeeping operations in Somalia unless the U.N. allegations are withdrawn.

    (Additional reporting by Elias Biryabarema in Kampala; John Irish in Paris; Richard Lough in Nairobi; Bienvenu Bakumanya in Kinshasa; Richard Valdmanis, David Lewis, and Bate Felix in Dakar; Writing by Richard Valdmanis; Editing by David Lewis and David Stamp)


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    Monday, November 19, 2012

    Fiscal Cliff Cheat Sheet: 10 Frequently Asked Questions

    Almost as soon as President Barack Obama was re-elected, the coming
    fiscal cliff took center stage. Lawmakers and the Obama administration
    are supposed to solve the problem in a planned "lame-duck" session of
    Congress, which starts today.

    That means we can expect to hear the words "entitlements", "revenue", "loopholes", and "sequestration" a whole lot for the next couple months. What does it all mean for you, as a teacher/principal/superintendent/policy person?

    Here's a breakdown of frequently asked questions:

    What exactly is the fiscal cliff? Basically, it's a perfect storm of federal tax and spending legislation that has to be dealt with really quickly. A whole package of tax cuts, including the so-called Bush tax cuts, put in place under the previous president, are set to expire soon. Congress will have to figure out whether to extend them, and if so, which ones to extend. And, perhaps more important when it comes to education, a set of across-the-board cuts are set to be triggered for just about every federal agency, including the U.S. Department of Education and the Pentagon, on Jan. 2. They will go into effect unless Congress acts to stop them.

    Sequestration? What's that? And how did it come about? The sequestration trigger-cuts were put in place as part of a deal to raise the debt ceiling last summer. Lawmakers and the administration tried?and failed?to come up with some sort of long-term solution for the nation's debt problem. Instead of coming up with a deal, they set the clock ticking on those automatic cuts?which virtually no one likes?essentially to force themselves to act. And they gave it a wonky, budgety name: sequestration. (If you're curious about where that term comes from, here's a great explanation.) The idea was that neither Republicans nor Democrats would be happy with the cuts since they would hit both military programs (which Republicans especially favor) and domestic spending (which is typically supported by Democrats). Even though the cuts were never supposed to actually happen, lawmakers so far haven't been able to come up with a long-term deal to head them off.

    How would school districts be affected? Most programs in the U.S. Department of Education would be cut by 8.2 percent, according to the White House Office of Management and Budget. That means federal money for disadvantaged students, now financed at $15.75 billion would be cut by almost $1.3 billion. And special education programs, funded at $12.64 billion, would be cut by about $1.03 billion. More here. It's important to note, of course, that the feds make up less than 10 percent of all K-12 financing?the vast majority of funds come from state and local governments. Still, many districts say they're already squeezed at the local level and really can't afford to cope with federal cuts on top of state and local reductions.

    So ... wait?my school district is going to lose 8.2 percent of its federal funding on Jan. 2 if Congress doesn't figure something out? Actually, no. Even if there is a stalemate and no action on Capitol Hill, your district probably won't lose money right away (unless you rely on the Impact Aid program?more on that below). The big formula grants that school districts depend on most (Title I grants for disadvantaged students, special education, grants for teacher quality) are forward-funded. That means the cuts wouldn't kick in until the start of the 2013-14 school year, giving districts a planning window.

    Which districts should be really worried? There are some districts that would be affected right away, some of them very dramatically. Those districts are the ones that are in the Impact Aid program, which services some 1,200 districts nationwide. Most impact aid districts have a lot of Native American students, students whose parents work on military bases, or federal land near their district. They would see their funding cut on Jan. 2. Some districts expect this will mean layoffs or programmatic cuts.

    Are any programs exempt? And what about other programs that aren't funded through the Education Department? Some programs are exempt, including federal student loans, some Pell Grant money, most child nutrition programs, and the Children's Health Insurance Program. However, the Head Start program, which is funded through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, doesn't appear to be exempt.

    So if sequestration actually goes through, what about maintenance of effort, where it applies? Good question. Advocates are still trying to get to the bottom of that one.

    What does President Obama say? What have leaders in Congress said? Not very much so far, and virtually nothing about education specifically. Obama said during one of the presidential campaign debates that sequestration "won't happen." And U.S. Rep. John Boehner, R-Ohio, the Speaker of the House, has said he would be okay with some revenue increases, although he'd like them to come from closing tax loopholes, not raising taxes on the highest-earners, which is what Obama wants to do. U.S. Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, who oversees the Senate panel that deals with education spending, has been outspoken about the potential cuts to K-12. He is really worried about their impact.

    What happens from here? Lawmakers will try to work out a compromise. Most advocates and analysts expect that they will be able to reach some sort of temporary deal before the end of the year, but it's far from a sure thing.

    How can I get more information? There are a lot of great sources out there. Harkin's staff put together this analysis of what the cuts would mean. The American Association of School Administrators has a sequestration tool kit. Edweek coverage here and here.


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    Western Michigan fires coach Bill Cubit

    Western Michigan is looking for a new football coach.

    The school fired Bill Cubit with one year left on his contract Saturday night, shortly after the Broncos lost to Eastern Michigan at home.

    "Our vision and mission is winning division and conference titles and growing our number of postseason bowls," Western Michigan athletic director Kathy Beauregard said in a statement. "We continue to value student-athlete success academically and expect them to be great citizens in this community."

    Western Michigan lost 29-23 to the Eagles, its fifth setback in six games to close the season 4-8 overall and 2-8 in the Mid-American Conference.

    The Broncos struggled to recover this season when senior quarterback Alex Carder injured his middle finger on his right hand during a win over Connecticut in September and missed six conference games.

    Cubit was 51-47 overall and 36-27 in the MAC over eight seasons. He led the program to three bowl games ? all of which were lost ? including last year's Little Caesars Pizza Bowl. The Broncos played in just two bowls before Cubit was hired.

    Messages seeking comment were left on Cubit's cell phone by The Associated Press on Saturday night.

    Cubit led the Broncos to 29 wins from 2005 through 2008, the second best total over a four-season stretch in school history. Six of his players were selected in NFL drafts, including Green Bay Packers receiver Louis Delmas, Detroit safety Louis Delmas and Lions tight end Tony Scheffler.

    Western Michigan set new program records for grade-point average four times with Cubit as coach.

    "I want to thank Coach Cubit for his years of service and recognize the work he and all of his assistants have done over the years in support of our student-athletes," Beauregard said. "I also want to thank Nancy (his wife) and the entire Cubit family for what they have meant to this community."


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    Sunday, November 18, 2012

    A night of upsets and Irish, Tide rise in football

    Notre Dame senior lineback Manti Te'o walks into the tunnel at Notre Dame stadium after a 38-0 win over Wake Forest Saturday Nov. 17, 2012 in South Bend, Ind. As a senior, it was Te'o's final home game. (AP Photo/The Goshen News, Sam Householder)

    Notre Dame senior lineback Manti Te'o walks into the tunnel at Notre Dame stadium after a 38-0 win over Wake Forest Saturday Nov. 17, 2012 in South Bend, Ind. As a senior, it was Te'o's final home game. (AP Photo/The Goshen News, Sam Householder)

    Western Carolina running back Michael Johnson (5) is stopped by the Alabama defense during the second half of an NCAA college football game at Bryant-Denny Stadium in Tuscaloosa, Ala., Saturday, Nov. 17, 2012. Defending for Alabama is defensive back Nick Perry (27), defensive lineman Quinton Dial (90) and linebacker Nico Johnson (35). At rear is Western Carolina offensive lineman Matt DeGraffinreed (63). Alabama won 49-0. (AP Photo/Dave Martin)

    Coming into Saturday, Oregon and Kansas State had the inside track to college football's national championship and the Southeastern Conference's run of six straight BCS titles was in jeopardy.

    Then No. 2 K-State got thumped 52-24 by unranked Baylor and top-ranked Oregon fell in overtime to No. 14 Stanford, 17-14.

    Now the SEC is alive and well.

    And how's this for a possible national title game: Alabama vs. Notre Dame.

    A week after Alabama lost to Texas A&M, more upsets re-opened door for the fourth-ranked Crimson Tide, which shut out lower-division Western Carolina 49-0 on Saturday.

    Georgia has a title shot, too. And so does Florida.

    But the happiest of all about the Ducks and Wildcats going down had to be Notre Dame and its fans.

    The Fighting Irish were third in the BCS standings and the AP Top 25, behind K-State and Oregon entering the weekend. Notre Dame was staring at what must have felt unthinkable for the storied program: Finishing unbeaten and not even getting a chance to play for the BCS championship.

    The Irish took care of running their record to 11-0 with a 38-0 shutout at home against Wake Forest.

    Then everything fell into place.

    Oregon (10-1), the highest scoring team in the country at 55 points per games, couldn't shake free of Stanford's tough defense. The Cardinal tied it late on a juggling TD catch that was called incomplete on the field and overturned to a catch by replay.

    In OT, Oregon missed a field goal and Stanford made one. The Ducks were done.

    "It hurts and as I told them, you'd like to have some words that would take the pain out of it, but there aren't," Ducks coach Chip Kelly said. "We'll feel bad for a little bit of time and we'll bounce back from it."

    Kansas State's first loss of the season was far more decisive. Collin Klein and the Wildcats (10-1) lost 52-24 at Baylor, and there went Kansas State's BCS title hopes and Klein's status as Heisman Trophy front-runner. He was picked off three times.

    It was the first time since Dec. 1, 2007, that the Nos. 1 and 2 teams in the AP Top 25 lost on the same day. That year, Missouri and West Virginia were the upset victims, giving Ohio State and LSU a chance to play for the national title. The Tigers won the second of the SEC's six straight.

    When the latest BCS standings and AP rankings come out Sunday Notre Dame almost certainly will be No. 1.

    Alabama, fourth in the BCS last week, will most likely be in second place this week, followed by SEC rivals Georgia and Florida.

    Notre Dame coach Brian Kelly won't need to go on television with Oprah Winfrey, as he said he would earlier this week, to plead his team's case for playing in the BCS title game. Just beat rival Southern California next week at the Los Angeles Coliseum and book the plane tickets to Miami, where the BCS national title game will be played Jan. 7.

    USC, the preseason No. 1 team, lost again on Saturday, 38-28 to UCLA, to fall to 7-4. And Trojans star quarterback Matt Barkley was knocked out of Saturday's game by a hard hit. No word yet on whether he'll play next week, but if he doesn't Notre Dame's path gets even smoother.

    As for the SEC, it's pretty simple.

    Alabama (10-1) and Georgia (10-1) have already sealed up spots in the conference title game on Dec. 1, but both have games still to play.

    The Tide plays hapless rival Auburn next week. The Bulldogs face Georgia Tech. If they both win, the SEC title game again becomes a de facto national semifinal, with the winner likely advancing to Miami, trying to extend win the league's seventh straight national crown.

    Sprinkle in a Georgia Tech win and the Bulldogs beating Alabama in the SEC title game, and No. 7 Florida (10-1) could be the SEC's representative, though the Gators have to play at No. 10 Florida State (10-1).

    The Seminoles aren't out of the race yet either, especially if USC shocks Notre Dame. Though if that happens, just about any team with only one loss will be making claim to be in the big game, even Oregon and Kansas State if they can win their conferences.

    Or consider this.

    USC beats Notre Dame, Florida beats Florida State, and either Georgia or Alabama finishes 12-1. Add it up and it could be an all-SEC championship game for the second straight year.

    Or there could be split national championship. Undefeated Ohio State is No. 6 in the AP Top 25 but ineligible to win the BCS title because it is NCAA-banned from playing in a bowl game.

    If all the other contenders falter, Ohio State could be the lone unbeaten left standing and lay claim to the AP title.

    Sounds crazy, but after Saturday night, nothing seems far-fetched.


    AP Sports Writer Anne M. Peterson in Eugene, Ore., contributed.


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    Harry T. Green, Saint Petersburg, Florida

    Harry T. Green, born March 14, 1921 to James and Theresa Green in West Point, New York, passed away Wednesday November 14, 2012.
    Harry attended West Point Children's school. He then moved on to Dansville, NY and graduated from Ben Franklin High School in Rochester, NY.
    Harry served in the US Army 101st Airborne Division, 502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment from 1943 ? 1945.
    He went on to receive is Bachelors and Masters degrees in Education at Brockport State College from 1946 ? 1949. He pursued a teaching career until retiring from the Pinellas County Schools in 1983
    Harry and his wife Molly, who passed in 2002, worked together many years.
    He is survived by his daughter Rosa Fox and granddaughter Elizabeth Fox of Clyde, NY. Also, Jeremy Gardner and a host of dear friends.
    In lieu of flowers please make donations to Suncoast Hospice.


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