Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Long War Against the Family (Part III) | Crisis Magazine

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If you?ve been with us for the first two parts you?ll recall the three waves of attack against the family?(1) the assertion that marriage enslaves, (2) that children are a burden, and (3) that sexual difference is a fiction. How to respond? I?d like to conclude our short history by reflecting not so much on a course of action but upon how we might renew our thinking.

First, what does the contemporary attack on the family presuppose? Frequently, at the root of these attacks on family lies a corruption of what John Paul II has called ?the idea and the experience of freedom.? In the late pope?s analysis, underlying these ideas and the social and economic institutions supporting them is a notion of freedom conceived not as a capacity for realizing truth, ?but as an autonomous power of self-affirmation? (Familiaris Consortio 6). In place of such a notion, and enacted through the disciplines and habits suitable for family, man and woman united in matrimony are called to embody the self-giving love of Christ. There can hardly be a more attractive witness of self-giving love than a family at prayer.

Next, Christians will have to re-evaluate the concept of equality, beginning with its unit of measurement.? Obviously, neither a reduction in men?s height nor an increase in women?s weight is in view.? Equality is measured usually by a vote, by a wage, by a raise?in other words, according to some political or economic criterion.? Even accepting for the moment a strictly materialist conception of equality, it is a long time since we have passed from equality of opportunity over to the practical necessity of conformity.? Moving beyond Marx, for Catholics, happiness is not measured chiefly by dollars and cents.? Virtue is a far more stable currency.? Is it really the case that most women are happier at the office rather than in the home?? Given the toxic results of social engineering now evident, there is some prima facie evidence that the pursuit of abstract equality so defined works against the happiness of both sexes, and our children.? It is notable that women consistently say that they do not derive their greatest satisfaction from work outside the home.? This preference is all the more marked for women with children.? In one recent Pew study, when mothers with children under 18 were asked about their most important source of fulfillment, 51 percent cited their relationship with their children, 29 percent cited their relationship with their husband or common law husband, while a mere 1 percent cited their job or career.? Why has it become the expectation that women cannot be fulfilled in the home?? Marriage and teen catechesis in this area should move to the offensive.

RebuildingCultureThrough the 20th century there has been a renewal of thinking about the vocation of the family, including thinking about the role of women.? John Paul II noted that, while the widening of access to public work is in some senses a genuine gain, it is not without loss.? Throughout John Paul II?s writings, as in his Apostolic Letter Mulieris Dignitatem and his Letter to Families, he points out that men and women arrive at their true stature only through self-donating love.? In women this gift of self is realized distinctively through the nurturing of a child.? Thus, motherhood in women (which can also be expressed in the nurture of spiritual children) needs to be honored even above the valuable contributions that are made in the political and economic spheres (Mulieris Dignitatem 18).? Sadly, today the maternal role has been so derided that many find it neither desirable nor possible to nurture the family at home.? A society where government makes it easy to divorce and hard for moms to stay home is not progressive, but dying. To this end John Paul II argued that, ?society must be structured in such a way that wives and mothers are not in practice compelled to work outside the home? (Familiaris Consortio 23).

This is not an unrealistic hope. Laws could stop penalizing women who stay at home.? As a start: greater federal and local tax relief could be redirected toward families with dependent children; zoning laws could allow for the greater use of the home as a place of work; homeschooling families might be relieved from some portion of property taxes; and so forth.? Most importantly, women and their husbands will have to rediscover the beauty of motherhood. ?Recently, a couple we know sought advice from their Anglican priest as to whether or not they should try to conceive a third child.? The pastor encouraged them to do so; as he explained, while he had counseled many parents who regretted not having more children, he had never met a couple that thought they had raised too many.? Fewer couples are willing to pursue this path, however, when both parents pursue a full-time career into their 30s.? Children are a blessing; welcoming them does require that we adjust our spending habits.? If we really do think that raising children is a nobler task than accumulating wealth, then it may be that young married couples will have to lower their economic expectations.? In short, Catholics will need to relearn to make the case not only for traditional marriage but also for openness to many children.? For, not only does human flourishing require a sound economy and stable polity; it also requires love.? And there is no better way to learn how to love than in a family open to life.

Large families can foster holiness for a variety of reasons.? For the parents, here are three: less sleep, higher costs, and more work. Three great reasons, some might say, for willfully avoiding children altogether.? And many do.? But not if your aim is heaven.? Indeed, the fruits of conjugal love produce the conditions by nature that monks and nuns have to impose upon themselves by grace (i.e. by accepting the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity, and obedience).? Along these lines there is a famous story from St. Th?r?se of Lisieux?s life at Carmel.? Then as now within a monastery a bell is the common call to prayer.? So prompt was Th?r?se?s obedience that at its first ring she would throw down her pen, leaving behind a half formed word on the page.? Well, in the domestic church, the cry of a child is like St. Th?r?se?s bell; it often tolls.

No doubt, it does not always work for a young mother to stay at home.? Nor are all couples open to life blessed with children.? These absences are a cause of sorrow to such parents.? Sadly, more and more couples see gain in what past times have recognized as a loss.? In virtually every human culture large families have been a sign of blessing.? According to the Catechism they still are: ?Sacred Scripture and the Church?s traditional practice see in large families a sign of God?s blessing and the parents? generosity? (CCC 2373).? Children bless grandparents and cousins because they carry infectious joy; children bless brothers and sisters because they offer immediate friendship; children bless mom and dad, above all, because they turn parents into adults.? Unlike any other gift, a new baby offers parents the opportunity to grow in love.? The exchange of such gifts is only possible when a man and woman open themselves up to new life. The Church continues to esteem those who do so without reserve.

Since the birth of Marxism in the mid-nineteenth century until about 1980, it was almost universally assumed that social-scientific research was the friend of left-leaning social engineers. Early on the social sciences adopted Marx?s assumption that social relations not characterized by strict material equality are unjust. Statistical and empirical research were welcomed as means of uprooting the prejudice and irrationality upon which traditional institutions were founded. Above all?the argument went?the family, and with it the roles of men and women, would be exposed as having no hold in nature. All this has changed. Many sociologists remain wedded to radical politics. But their grip on the discipline has loosened. For many years now, social-scientific studies relating to the family have helped to illuminate, as one recent study has it, ?the strengths, indeed the irreplaceability of the family.? In response to Engels, de Beauvoir, MTV, and company, catechesis will have to harness more confidently the abundant research available on the benefits of family. As reason and revelation attest, a communion of persons is founded not upon abstract equality but upon a willingness to serve Christ in one another. In the renewal of Catholic culture, the battle begins at home, on bended knee.

Editor?s note: This article is adapted from Dr. Topping?s new book Rebuilding Catholic Culture: How the Catechism Can Shape our Common Life (Sophia Institute Press). This is the third and final installment of an excerpt that first appeared in Crisis magazine on Monday, January 28, 2013. The 1593 painting above of the Thomas More family by Rowland Lockey is based on a sketch by Hans Holbein the Younger.


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Microchip moves information around in 3-D: From left to right, back to front, and up and down

Jan. 30, 2013 ? Scientists from the University of Cambridge have created, for the first time, a new type of microchip which allows information to travel in three dimensions. Currently, microchips can only pass digital information in a very limited way -- from either left to right or front to back.

The research is published Jan. 31 in Nature.

Dr Reinoud Lavrijsen, an author on the paper from the University of Cambridge, said: "Today's chips are like bungalows -- everything happens on the same floor. We've created the stairways allowing information to pass between floors."

Researchers believe that in the future a 3D microchip would enable additional storage capacity on chips by allowing information to be spread across several layers instead of being compacted into one layer, as is currently the case.

For the research, the Cambridge scientists used a special type of microchip called a spintronic chip which exploits the electron's tiny magnetic moment or 'spin' (unlike the majority of today's chips which use charge-based electronic technology). Spintronic chips are increasingly being used in computers, and it is widely believed that within the next few years they will become the standard memory chip.

To create the microchip, the researchers used an experimental technique called 'sputtering'. They effectively made a club-sandwich on a silicon chip of cobalt, platinum and ruthenium atoms. The cobalt and platinum atoms store the digital information in a similar way to how a hard disk drive stores data. The ruthenium atoms act as messengers, communicating that information between neighbouring layers of cobalt and platinum. Each of the layers is only a few atoms thick.

They then used a laser technique called MOKE to probe the data content of the different layers. As they switched a magnetic field on and off they saw in the MOKE signal the data climbing layer by layer from the bottom of the chip to the top. They then confirmed the results using a different measurement method.

Professor Russell Cowburn, lead researcher of the study from the Cavendish Laboratory, the University of Cambridge's Department of Physics, said: "Each step on our spintronic staircase is only a few atoms high. I find it amazing that by using nanotechnology not only can we build structures with such precision in the lab but also using advanced laser instruments we can actually see the data climbing this nano-staircase step by step.

"This is a great example of the power of advanced materials science. Traditionally, we would use a series of electronic transistors to move data like this. We've been able to achieve the same effect just by combining different basic elements such as cobalt, platinum and ruthenium. This is the 21st century way of building things -- harnessing the basic power of elements and materials to give built-in functionality."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Cambridge, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Reinoud Lavrijsen, Ji-Hyun Lee, Amalio Fern?ndez-Pacheco, Doroth?e C. M. C. Petit, Rhodri Mansell, Russell P. Cowburn. Magnetic ratchet for three-dimensional spintronic memory and logic. Nature, 2013; 493 (7434): 647 DOI: 10.1038/nature11733

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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Dignity Health of the Central Coast Offers Weight Loss Surgery The ...

Dignity Health of the Central Coast, which includes Arroyo Grande Hospital (AGCH), French Hospital Medical Center (FHMC) and Marian Regional Medical Center (MRMC), is proud to offer the Weight Loss Surgery Institute of the Central Coast, the only comprehensive weight loss surgery program created specifically to serve patients of the Central Coast from Santa Barbara to Salinas.

The Institute will be hosting monthly educational seminars and support groups at the MRMC Health and Wellness Center. Lecture and support groups will also soon be available at Arroyo Grande Community Hospital and French Hospital Medical Center. The lectures will be led by surgeon and Medical Director of the Weight Loss Surgery Institute of the Central Coast, David Maccabee, M.D., FACS,?FASMBS.

Obesity is a rising problem in the United States that affects over 60 million people. Among many others, obesity can cause life threatening diseases such as hypertension, type II diabetes, sleep apnea and cancer. The center offers surgical weight loss options to those affected by this epidemic as many of these diseases are addressed with surgical weight loss. The Weight Loss Surgery Institute offers three Bariatric procedures: Gastric Bypass, Gastric Sleeve and Gastric Banding, all using minimally invasive laparoscopic techniques. For those interested in learning more about these procedures and the program, join us at the MRMC Health and Wellness Center, 1207 E. Main Street, Santa Maria, CA 93454, on the first Tuesday of every month from February 5, 2013 through December 3, 2013. (See schedule?below)

Those interested must RSVP by calling (805) 270-2513. Find out more at

The dates of the educational seminars at MRMC?are:

? February 5,?2013

? March 5,?2013

? April 2,?2013

? May 7,?2013

? June 4,?2013

? July 2,?2013

? August 6,?2013

? September 3,?2013

? October 1,?2013

? November 5,?2013

? December 3,?2013


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Bollywood star Khan caught in India-Pakistan spat

(AP) ? Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan has been caught in a verbal slugfest between India and Pakistan after he wrote a magazine article that led to heated exchanges between the rival nations.

Pakistan's Interior Minister Rehman Malik suggested that New Delhi beef up the actor's security after Khan wrote an account of how it felt to be a Muslim in India.

New Delhi reacted sharply to Malik's comments with Indian politicians and officials asking him to concentrate on looking after the security of Pakistani citizens.

Khan responded to the exchange late Tuesday by saying he was extremely safe and happy in India.

Khan is popularly known as 'King Khan' in the Indian film industry. He has acted in around 75 Hindi feature films, including many box-office hits.

Associated Press


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Miley Cyrus: Hoodie Walk with Pet Pooch! | Celebrity Pets, Miley ...

Miley Cyrus hides under her hoodie while taking a walk with her pet pooch on Monday (January 28) in Studio City, Calif.

The 20-year-old entertainer was joined on the walk by a close pal.

PHOTOS: Check out the latest pics of Miley Cyrus

Last week, Miley?s fiance Liam Hemsworth was spotted going shirtless while surfing with his brother Chris in Costa Rica.

Maxim magazine is currently taking votes for their annual Hot 100, so make sure to vote for Miley!

15+ pictures inside of Miley Cyrus taking a stroll with her dog?

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Video: Sneak peek at JFK?s jacket, photos up for auction

>>> president john f. kennedy and his family have fascinated people for more than 50 years. now an extensive collection of memorabilia belonging to one of kennedy's closest advisers, is going on the auction block. appraiser from massachusetts is giving us a sneak peek. dan, good to see you this morning.

>> thanks for having us be part of the show.

>> these are from david powers . tell us who he was.

>> he knew him from 1946 right up to the assassination.

>> he had a vast amount of items pertaining to john f. kennedy .

>> yes.

>> talk about these photos and this invitation to the wedding.

>> this is all kind of wedding related. this photograph right here, bachelor party . you can see the irish mafia in the back. jack, his sister and -- jack, right there, bobby. this is signed to the powers, from jackie, a wedding photograph. this is the actual invitation that the powers were sent.

>> any idea what items like that will fetch?

>> we estimate it's $150, this may be $400.

>> tell me about the bomber jacket .

>> this is the air force one leather bomber jacket , given to dave in 1960 or 1962 . this was his pride and joy. it was talked about during his lifetime. romd reagan signed a letter, used it in his first exhibit.

>> one of his responsibilities was to make sure that the presidential flag was flying when he traveled with the president.

>> yes.

>> this is one of the two presidential flags.

>> yes, there's two now. it says president of the united states right on the inside on the original label and everything. it's quite very rare, unique item.

>> signed copy of profiles, and kennedy signed this while he was president?

>> it makes it so great.

>> the pen signing the order to stop the delivery of defensive weapons to cuba.

>> yes.

>> given to dave powers . birthday card signed by john jr.

>> yes, on what would have been jack kennedy 's last birthday. this is john's signature, xxo.

>> these are haunting. these are notes that dave powers wrote up for the trip to dallas in november. it includes notations after the president was assassinated.

>> minute by minute. it's just so earth shatteringly -- chills you to the bone when you read it.

>> the last entry my president is dead.

>> yes. the president before he died and was in the hospital, you open it up. open the first page says dave powers , the president was going to give you this and you can basically read it, but the key to it is that you and i will miss him the most, signed jackie. this was the day after he was murdered. look at our website and you will find all the information you need. you can bid right from your computer at home.

>> dan, thank you very much.

>> thank you.

>> fascinating items.

>> thank you.

>> the auction will be held


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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Study shows potential of differentiated iPS cells in cell therapy without immune rejection

Study shows potential of differentiated iPS cells in cell therapy without immune rejection

Monday, January 28, 2013

A new study from Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) shows that tissues derived from induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells in an experimental model were not rejected when transplanted back into genetically identical recipients. The study, published online in Cell Stem Cell, demonstrates the potential of utilizing iPS cells to develop cell types that could offer treatment for a wide range of conditions, including diabetes, liver and lung diseases, without the barrier of immune rejection.

Ashleigh Boyd, DPhil, and Neil Rodrigues, DPhil, the study's senior authors, are assistant professors of dermatology at BUSM and researchers at the Center for Regenerative Medicine (CReM) at Boston University and Boston Medical Center (BMC). They also are lead investigators at the National Institutes of Health's Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) at Roger Williams Medical Center, a clinical and research affiliate of BUSM.

iPS cells can be developed from adult cell types, such as skin or blood, by returning them to a stem cell state using genetic manipulation. iPS cells are capable of maturing (differentiating) into all the specific cell types in the body, making them a powerful tool for biological research and a source of tissues for transplantation based therapies. Given that iPS cells can be made in a patient-specific manner, there should be great potential for them to be transplanted back into the same patient without rejection. Yet a study published in Nature in 2011 demonstrated that iPS cells transplanted in the stem cell state were rejected in genetically identical recipients.

"The Nature study provocatively suggested that tissues derived from patient-specific iPS cells may be immunogenic after transplantation. However, it never directly assessed the immunogenicity of the therapeutically relevant cell types that could be utilized in regenerative medicine and transplantation," said Rodrigues.

The BUSM researchers evaluated this matter by taking adult cells from an experimental model and deriving iPS cells from them. They then differentiated the iPS cells into three cell types: neuronal (nerve); hepatocytes (liver); and endothelial (blood vessel lining) cells. These three cell types represent each of the three germ layers present during embryonic development ? mesoderm, ectoderm and endoderm. Cells from these layers differentiate and ultimately develop into the body's tissue and organ systems. Using experiments to mirror the potential clinical use of patient-specific iPS cells in cell therapy, the team transplanted each of the differentiated cells into a genetically identical experimental model and found no signs of an elevated immune response or indications of rejection.

The study results suggest that using patient-specific iPS cells should overcome issues of immune rejection in transplantation, which will be a significant problem for potential embryonic stem cell-derived therapies. Immune rejection in transplantation is treated clinically by immunosuppressive drugs but they can have serious side-effects, including the risk of developing cancer.

"If the use of immunosuppressive drugs can be avoided, as may be the case for patient-specific iPS cell based therapies, it would be preferable. Our results are very promising and future work should be directed at assessing whether tissues derived from human iPS cells will similarly lack immunogenicity," said Boyd.


Boston University Medical Center:

Thanks to Boston University Medical Center for this article.

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Monday, January 28, 2013

Deadly smoke, lone blocked exit: 230 die in Brazil

A woman cries over the coffin of a victim at a gymnasium where bodies were brought for identification in Santa Maria city, Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil, Sunday, Jan. 27, 2013. Flames raced through a crowded nightclub in southern Brazil early Sunday, killing more than 230 people as panicked partygoers gasped for breath in the smoke-filled air, stampeding toward a single exit partially blocked by those already dead. (AP Photo/Nabor Goulart)

A woman cries over the coffin of a victim at a gymnasium where bodies were brought for identification in Santa Maria city, Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil, Sunday, Jan. 27, 2013. Flames raced through a crowded nightclub in southern Brazil early Sunday, killing more than 230 people as panicked partygoers gasped for breath in the smoke-filled air, stampeding toward a single exit partially blocked by those already dead. (AP Photo/Nabor Goulart)

A man carries an injured man, victim of a fire at the Kiss club in Santa Maria city, Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil, early Sunday, Jan. 27, 2013. Firefighters say that the death toll from a fire that swept through a crowded nightclub in southern Brazil has risen to 180. Officials say the fire broke out while a band was performing. At least 200 people have been injured. (AP Photo/Agencia RBS)

Relatives of victims react in Santa Maria city, Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil, Sunday, Jan. 27, 2013. A blaze raced through the crowded nightclub in southern Brazil early Sunday, killing more than 200 people as the air filled with deadly smoke and panicked party-goers stampeded toward the exits, police and witnesses said. It appeared to be the world's deadliest nightclub fire in more than a decade.(AP Photo/Evandro Sturm)

Relatives of victims react as they wait for news near the Kiss nightclub in Santa Maria city, Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil, Sunday, Jan. 27, 2013. According to police more than 200 died in the devastating nightclub fire in southern Brazil. Officials say the fire broke out at the club while a band was performing. (AP Photo/Ronald Mendes-Agencia RBS)

Map locates Santa Maria, Brazil

(AP) ? A fast-moving fire roared through a crowded nightclub in southern Brazil early Sunday, within seconds filling the space with flames and a thick, toxic smoke that killed more than 230 panicked partygoers who gasped for breath and fought in a stampede to escape.

It appeared to be the world's deadliest nightclub fire in more than a decade.

Firefighters responding to the blaze at first had trouble getting inside the Kiss nightclub because bodies partially blocked the club's entryway.

Witnesses said a flare or firework lit by band members started the blaze in Santa Maria, a university city of about 260,000 people. Officials at a news conference said the cause was still under investigation ? though police inspector Sandro Meinerz told the Agencia Estado news agency the band was to blame for a pyrotechnics show and that manslaughter charges could be filed.

Television images showed black smoke billowing out of the Kiss nightclub as shirtless young men who had attended a university party joined firefighters using axes and sledgehammers to pound at windows and hot-pink exterior walls to free those trapped inside.

Bodies of the dead and injured were strewn in the street and panicked screams filled the air as medics tried to help. There was little to be done; officials said most of those who died were suffocated by smoke within minutes.

Within hours a community gym was a horror scene, with body after body lined up on the floor, partially covered with black plastic as family members identified kin.

Outside the gym police held up personal objects ? a black purse, a blue high-heeled shoe ? as people seeking information on loved ones looked crowded around, hoping not to recognize anything being shown them.

Guido Pedroso Melo, commander of the city's fire department, told the O Globo newspaper that firefighters had a hard time getting inside the club because "there was a barrier of bodies blocking the entrance."

Teenagers sprinted from the scene after the fire began, desperately seeking help. Others carried injured and burned friends away in their arms. Many of the victims were under 20 years old, including some minors.

"There was so much smoke and fire, it was complete panic, and it took a long time for people to get out, there were so many dead," survivor Luana Santos Silva told the Globo TV network.

The fire spread so fast inside the packed club that firefighters and ambulances could do little to stop it, Silva said.

Another survivor, Michele Pereira, told the Folha de S. Paulo newspaper that she was near the stage when members of the band lit flares that started the conflagration.

"The band that was onstage began to use flares and, suddenly, they stopped the show and pointed them upward," she said. "At that point, the ceiling caught fire. It was really weak, but in a matter of seconds it spread."

Guitarist Rodrigo Martins told Radio Gaucha that the band, Gurizada Fandangueira, started playing at 2:15 a.m. "and we had played around five songs when I looked up and noticed the roof was burning"

"It might have happened because of the Sputnik, the machine we use to create a luminous effect with sparks. It's harmless, we never had any trouble with it.

"When the fire started, a guard passed us a fire extinguisher, the singer tried to use it but it wasn't working"

He confirmed that accordion player Danilo Jacques, 28, died, while the five other members made it out safely.

Police Maj. Cleberson Braida Bastianello said by telephone that the toll had risen to 233 with the death of a hospitalized victim. He said earlier that the death toll was likely made worse because the nightclub appeared to have just one exit through which patrons could exit.

Survivors said security guards briefly tried to block people from exiting the club. Brazilian bars routinely make patrons pay their entire tab at the end of the night before they are allowed to leave.

Officials earlier counted 232 bodies that had been brought for identification to a gymnasium in Santa Maria, which is located at the southern tip of Brazil, near the borders with Argentina and Uruguay.

Federal Health Minister Alexandre Padhilha told a news conference that most of the 117 people treated in hospitals had been poisoned by gases they breathed during the fire. Only a few suffered serious burns, he said.

Brazil President Dilma Rousseff arrived to visit the injured after cutting short her trip to a Latin American-European summit in Chile.

"It is a tragedy for all of us," Rousseff said.

Most of the dead apparently were asphyxiated, according to Dr. Paulo Afonso Beltrame, a professor at the medical school of the Federal University of Santa Maria who went to the city's Caridade Hospital to help victims.

Beltrame said he was told the club had been filled far beyond its capacity during a party for students at the university's agronomy department.

Survivors, police and firefighters gave the same account of a band member setting the ceiling's soundproofing ablaze, he said.

"Large amounts of toxic smoke quickly filled the room, and I would say that at least 90 percent of the victims died of asphyxiation," Beltrame told The Associated Press by telephone.

"The toxic smoke made people lose their sense of direction so they were unable to find their way to the exit. At least 50 bodies were found inside a bathroom. Apparently they confused the bathroom door with the exit door."

In the hospital, the doctor "saw desperate friends and relatives walking and running down the corridors looking for information," he said, calling it "one of the saddest scenes I have ever witnessed."

Rodrigo Moura, identified by the newspaper Diario de Santa Maria as a security guard at the club, said it was at its maximum capacity of between 1,000 and 2,000, and partygoers were pushing and shoving to escape.

Santa Maria Mayor Cezar Schirmer declared a 30-day mourning period, and Tarso Genro, the governor of the southern state of Rio Grande do Sul, said officials were investigating the cause of the disaster.

The blaze was the deadliest in Brazil since at least 1961, when a fire that swept through a circus killed 503 people in Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro.

Sunday's fire also appeared to be the worst at a nightclub since December 2000, when a welding accident reportedly set off a fire at a club in Luoyang, China, killing 309.

In 2004, at least 194 people died in a fire at an overcrowded nightclub in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Seven members of a band were sentenced to prison for starting the flames.

A blaze at the Lame Horse nightclub in Perm, Russia, killed 152 people in December 2009 after an indoor fireworks display ignited a plastic ceiling decorated with branches.

Similar circumstances led to a 2003 nightclub fire that killed 100 people in the United States. Pyrotechnics used as a stage prop by the 1980s rock band Great White set ablaze cheap soundproofing foam on the walls and ceiling of a Rhode Island music venue.

The band performing in Santa Maria, Gurizada Fandangueira, plays a driving mixture of local Brazilian country music styles. Guitarist Martin told Radio Gaucha the musicians are already seeing hostile messages.

"People on the social networks are saying we have to pay for what happened," he said. "I'm afraid there could be retaliation".


Sibaja reported from Brasilia. Associated Press Writers Stan Lehman and Bradley Brooks contributed to this report from Sao Paulo.

Associated Press


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Lucasfilm postpones Star Wars Episode II and III 3D, focusing on Abrams-directed Episode VII

While Lucasfilm originally planned to bring Star Wars Episode II and III back to theaters in 3D this fall, it's just announced that will not happen. In a statement posted on the official site, it says "we will now focus 100 percent of our efforts on Star Wars: Episode VII." Lucasfilm is now owned by Disney, which just announced last week that J.J. Abrams (director of Star Trek and creator of TV series including Lost and Fringe) would direct the seventh installment, which is scheduled to hit theaters in 2015. The original trilogy was also reportedly on deck for 3D rerelease, but there's no word yet whether we'll see those again before Episode VII, just a promise to post "further information" at a later date.

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J.J. Abrams to Direct Star Wars: Episode VII

J.J. Abrams will direct Star Wars: Episode VII, the first of a new series of Star Wars films to come from Lucasfilm under the leadership of Kathleen Kennedy. Abrams will be directing and Academy Award-winning writer Michael Arndt will write the screenplay.

"It's very exciting to have J.J. aboard leading the charge as we set off to make a new Star Wars movie," said Kennedy. "J.J. is the perfect director to helm this. Beyond having such great instincts as a filmmaker, he has an intuitive understanding of this franchise. He understands the essence of the Star Wars experience, and will bring that talent to create an unforgettable motion picture."

George Lucas went on to say "I've consistently been impressed with J.J. as a filmmaker and storyteller. He's an ideal choice to direct the new Star Wars film and the legacy couldn't be in better hands."

"To be a part of the next chapter of the Star Wars saga, to collaborate with Kathy Kennedy and this remarkable group of people, is an absolute honor," J.J. Abrams said. "I may be even more grateful to George Lucas now than I was as a kid."

J.J., his longtime producing partner Bryan Burk, and Bad Robot are on board to produce along with Kathleen Kennedy under the Disney | Lucasfilm banner.

Also consulting on the project are Lawrence Kasdan and Simon Kinberg. Kasdan has a long history with Lucasfilm, as screenwriter on The Empire Strikes Back, Raiders of the Lost Ark and Return of the Jedi. Kinberg was writer on Sherlock Holmes and Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

Abrams and his production company Bad Robot have a proven track record of blockbuster movies that feature complex action, heartfelt drama, iconic heroes and fantastic production values with such credits as Star Trek, Super 8, Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol, and this year's Star Trek Into Darkness. Abrams has worked with Lucasfilm's preeminent postproduction facilities, Industrial Light & Magic and Skywalker Sound, on all of the feature films he has directed, beginning with Mission: Impossible III. He also created or co-created such acclaimed television series as Felicity, Alias, Lost and Fringe.

Filed under: ,


Source: Star Wars


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CNN Wants to Treat Ann Curry Right

NBC is mistreating Ann Curry again, according to a new Page Six report. But buried at the bottom is a shining ray of hope also known as former NBC chief Jeff Zucker.?

RELATED: NBC Wants Ann Curry Out of 'Today' Before the Olympics

Curry has tried to get out of her multi-year contract with NBC so she can join her ol' friend Zuck at shiny, hard-newsy CNN. There were initial rumors (also from Page Six) when the Zuck was first hired that he wanted Curry to fill the 8 p.m. news spot currently occupied by the blue-eyed wunderkind Anderson Cooper. We liked that idea a lot. NBC publicly beheaded her when she didn't fit in well with Matt Lauer, something the network has repeatedly tried to take the blame for. It didn't matter, because Today's ratings dropped while everyone rallied around Ann Curry.?

RELATED: 'If You Lose Ann Curry, You Are Losing a Class Act'

A get like Curry would certainly help Zucker, who?recently took over the flailing news network. He's already made two big hires. Or, at least, two big names have come over since he started. Jake Tapper?joined the network?to bolster political coverage, jumping ship from ABC. Rachel Nichols?jumped from ESPN to the Turner Broadcasting family?to head up CNN's sports coverage.?

RELATED: An Iraq War Veteran Is Leading the Ann Curry Backlash

The fit makes enough sense. Curry's biggest complaint during her stint on The Today Show was that she wanted to do more hard news, more 'spinach' and less 'sugar,' as she put it. Her current role filing taped reports for Rock Center and NBC News isn't cutting it, according to Page Six. Curry is clashing with her bosses because she wants to do live interviews and they won't let her.?

RELATED: Here's Your New Today Show Lineup

So far the #FreeAnnCurry hashtag is suspiciously quiet Sunday morning.


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Scientists Have Created a Microscopic Tractor Beam

Spaceships can't pull in foriegn objects with a almost-magical tractor beam yet, but researchers have been making progress towards that goal. Scientists have now shown that tractor beams are possible, and can actually work. For microscopic objects over microscopic distances at least. More »


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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Wintry weather hits dozens of flights - The Local

Lufthansa was forced to cancel 33 flights at Frankfurt airport on Sunday as snow and ice were expected to make runways unsafe. But last week's total shutdown is not likely to be repeated.

All the cancelled flights listed on Lufthansa's website were domestic or within Europe, with most scheduled in the afternoon and evening.

A spokesman for airport operator Fraport said that snow had been forecast in Frankfurt between 12 noon and 8pm. He said that would likely mean de-icing would be necessary, and flights would be delayed.

But he added that the dramatic situation of last Sunday, when all of Frankfurt's air traffic had to be shut down for two hours, would not be repeated.

Click here for The Local's weather forecast

Meanwhile, Hamburg's road-salting services were forced into a massive operation on Saturday night as snow showers caused extremely slippery conditions on the roads. Around 110 gritting trucks were called into action just after 8pm on Saturday evening, Reinhard Fiedler of the city cleaning department reported.

A further 270 vehicles were sent out at 4am, as temperatures of -3C caused icy conditions. Warm fronts moving in from the West meant that more precipitation was expected throughout Sunday.

The Local/DAPD/bk


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At least 30 killed in clashes over Egypt soccer disaster

On the second anniversary of the Arab Spring revolution in Egypt, protesters clashed and dozens were killed outside a jail. NBC's Ayman Mohyeldin reports.

By Yusri Mohamed and Yasmine Saleh, Reuters

PORT SAID/CAIRO - At least 30 people were killed on Saturday when Egyptians rampaged in protest at the sentencing of 21 people to death over a soccer stadium disaster, violence that compounds a political crisis facing Islamist President Mohammed Morsi.

Armored vehicles and military police fanned through the streets of Port Said, where gunshots rang out and protesters burned tires in anger that people from their city had been blamed for stadium deaths last year.

The rioting in Port Said, one of the most deadly spasms of violence since Hosni Mubarak's ouster two years ago, followed a day of anti-Morsi demonstrations on Friday, when nine people were killed. The toll over the past two days stands at 39.

The flare-ups make it even tougher for Morsi, who drew fire last year for expanding his powers and pushing through an Islamist-tinged constitution, to fix the creaking economy and to cool tempers enough to ensure a smooth parliamentary election.

That vote is expected in the next few months and is meant to cement a democratic transition that has been blighted from the outset by political rows and street clashes.

Amr Abdallah Dalsh / Reuters

Al Ahly fans, also known as "Ultras", celebrate and shout slogans in front of the Al Ahly club after hearing the final verdict of the 2012 Port Said massacre in Cairo Saturday.

The National Defense Council, led by Morsi and which includes the defense minister who commands the army, called for "a broad national dialogue that would be attended by independent national characters" to discuss political differences and ensure a "fair and transparent" parliamentary poll.

The statement was made on state television by Information Minister Salah Abdel Maqsoud, who is also on the council.

The National Salvation Front of liberal-minded groups and other opponents cautiously welcomed the call but demanded any such dialogue have a clear agenda and guarantees that any deal would be implemented, spokesman Khaled Dawoud told Reuters.

The Front spurned previous calls for dialogue, saying Morsi ignored voices beyond his Islamist allies. The Front earlier on Saturday threatened an election boycott and to call for more protests on Friday if demands were not met.

Its demands included picking a national unity government to restore order and holding an early presidential poll.

Threats of violence
The political statements followed clashes in Port Said that erupted after a judge issued a verdict sentencing 21 men to die for involvement in the deaths of 74 people after a local soccer match on February 1, 2012, many of them fans of the visiting team.

Visiting fans had threatened violence if the court had not meted out the death penalty. They cheered outside their Cairo club when the verdict was announced. But in Port Said, residents were furious that people from their city were held responsible.

Protesters ran wildly through the streets of Mediterranean port, lighting tires in the street and storming two police stations, witnesses said. Gunshots were reported near the prison where most of the defendants were being held.

A director for Port Said hospitals told state television that 30 people had been killed, many as a result of gunshot wounds. He also said the more than 300 had been wounded.

Inside the court, families of victims danced, applauded and some broke down in tears of joy when they heard Judge Sobhy Abdel Maguid declare that the 21 men would be "referred to the Mufti", a phrase used to denote execution, as all death sentences must be reviewed by Egypt's top religious authority.

There were 73 defendants on trial. Only a handful appeared in court in Cairo. Those not sentenced on Saturday would face a verdict on March 9, the judge said.

At the Port Said soccer stadium a year ago, many spectators were crushed and witnesses saw some thrown off balconies after the match between Cairo's Al Ahly and local team al-Masri. Al Ahly fans accused the police of being complicit in the deaths.

The fans, who call themselves "Ultras Ahlawy", said Saturday's ruling started the process of retribution, and hoped the rest would face the same fate when verdicts are issued on March 9.

Among those killed on Saturday was a former player for al-Masri and a soccer player in another Port Said team, the website of the state broadcaster reported.

Mohammed Nouhan / AP

Families and supporters of those accused of soccer violence from the Port Said soccer club react to the announcement of death sentences for 21 fans.

Teargas rains down
On Friday, protesters angry at Morsi's rule had taken to the streets for the second anniversary of the uprising that erupted on January 25, 2011 and which brought Mubarak down 18 days later.

Police fired teargas and protesters hurled stones and petrol bombs. Nine people were killed, mainly in the port city of Suez, and hundreds more were injured across the nation.

On Saturday, some protesters again clashed with police. In the capital, youths pelted police lines with rocks near Tahrir Square. In Suez, police fired teargas where protesters angry at Friday's deaths hurled petrol bombs and stormed a police post.

"We want to change the president and the government. We are tired of this regime. Nothing has changed," said Mahmoud Suleiman, 22, in Cairo's Tahrir Square, the cauldron of the 2011 anti-Mubarak revolt and near where youths again stoned police.

Port Said, Ismailia and Suez, which have witnessed some of the worst violence in the past two days, lie on the Suez Canal but a canal official said there was no disruption to shipping through the waterway vital to international trade.

Morsi's opponents say he has failed to deliver on economic pledges or to be a president representing the full political and communal diversity of Egyptians, as he promised.

"Egypt will not regain its balance except by a political solution that is transparent and credible, by a government of national salvation to restore order and heal the economy and with a constitution for all Egyptians," prominent opposition politician Mohamed ElBaradei wrote on his Twitter account.

Morsi's supporters say the opposition does not respect the democracy that has given Egypt its first freely elected leader.

The Muslim Brotherhood, which propelled Morsi to office, said in a statement that "corrupt people" and media who were biased against the president had stirred up fury on the streets.

The political schism between Islamists and secular Egyptians and frequent bouts of violence have hurt Morsi's efforts to revive an economy in crisis as investors and tourists have stayed away, taking a heavy toll on Egypt's currency.

Mustapha Kamal Al-Sayyid, a professor of political science at Cairo University, said the latest violence reflected the frustration of many liberal-minded Egyptians and others.

"The state of polarization between Islamists and others is most likely to continue and will have a very negative impact on the state's politics, security and economy," he said.


Egypt court sentences 21 to death for stadium disaster


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9-Step Social Media Plan for Business Owners - |

Inescapable. Last year social media?s impact on B2B and B2C communication, advertising, and information gathering was irrefutably inescapable. According to Techcrunch, ?there are now more devices connected to the Internet then there are people on earth.??

This explosion of mobile technology has enabled the assimilation of social media into our everyday lives. Consumers are watching TV with their Droids, iPhones, and iPads. As a result, they are online more often, and for longer amounts of time.

As a brand looking to connect with these consumers, your evolution into online marketing has become, dare we say it again?inescapable.

It is time to enter the social media arena and join your target market on the web. They are already there sharing experiences with others about brands, products, and services, so why not join the conversation?

2013 Online Marketing Plan Whether your brand is just getting started with online marketing or re-aligning for the new year, the following foundation is essential before incorporating social media into a comprehensive and complete online marketing plan.
9-Step Process for Social Media Success
So where does social media fit into all of this?

Social Media PuzzleSocial media is the enabler of the internet. Its role is to magnify your existing online presence and amplify ALL of your other branding and marketing efforts. It plays a key role in delivering qualified traffic to the top of the online sales funnel.

Social media allows brands and consumers the rare opportunity to join online conversations, where they can ask and answer questions, offer product guidance and ultimately forge deeper customer-brand relationships. An ongoing process that is continually building upon itself.

Begin by reviewing your business objectives and goals for using social media. Then use the steps below to incorporate social media into your marketing plan and most importantly, work your plan.

9 Choose Your Channel- This is the entry point for your brand. Identify the 3 best social channels to meet your business objectives and create an account on each. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Google+ are the main channels to consider.
9 Brand Your Profile- It is essential that you present a unified branded appearance across all social media profiles. Use your company logo and branding from your website, and take the time to properly create a professional profile tailored to each social channel requirements.
9 Build a Baseline by Listening- Build your brand?s voice by listening to what your market is saying, discover their pain points and establish a baseline for what they are interested in. For more information read ?Listen Up! It Is The Key To Social Media Success? and download our Social Listening checklist.
9 Keep Your Competitors Close- Locate the competition and observe how they use social media. Note their successes and failures, and apply that to your social media strategy.
9 Connect With the Connectors- Connect with influencers, industry players and relevant news sources. Follow the social activity of current clients, suppliers and affiliates.
9 Calendar Your Content- Develop a content strategy and editorial calendar. The more you recommend, share and create content, the more you influence others online.
9 Schedule for Sharing- Maintain a posting schedule that includes: SEO optimized headlines, featured website content, email campaigns, blog posts, relevant news stories and company milestones into your timeline, posts and tweets.
9 Track and Measure- Maintain an analytics spreadsheet that benchmarks the growth and activity of each social channel.
9 Report, Review and Refresh- Report and analyze monthly reach, activity and engagement. Compare results with objectives and adjust as needed.


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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Despite falls, Wagner edges Gold for national figure skating crown

Luck, strong will, maybe even a little generosity from the judges.

The details really don't matter. All anyone will remember is that Ashley Wagner now has something in common with Michelle Kwan.

Wagner became the first woman since Kwan in 2005 to win back-to-back titles in the U.S. Figure Skating Championships, managing to hold off up-and-comer Gracie Gold despite two falls Saturday night.

"To join that type of a club with Michelle is absolutely an honor, and I'm so pleased with myself that I was able to accomplish that," Wagner said. "That was one of my main goals this season. I wanted to say I was a repeat national champion. I definitely lucked out at this competition.

"Knowing that, it only pushes me more to have the rest of the season be nice and solid."

Wagner finished with 188.84 points, about two ahead of Gold. Gold won the free skate ? posting the second-highest score ever at the U.S. meet, no less. But the 17-year-old had too much ground to make up after a dismal performance Thursday night in the short program left her in ninth place, more than 13 points behind Wagner.

"This is my first U.S. Championships and it was horrifying at the beginning. But now it's been amazing," said Gold, who won the U.S. junior title last year. "I'm so proud of myself that I was able to come back after that very, very rough short program and to put out that long program that's the best I've ever done."


Ashley Wagner falls to the ice during the senior ladies free skate program at the U.S. figure skating championships, Saturday, Jan. 26, 2013, in Omaha, Neb. (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall) Close

Agnes Zawadzki dropped from second to third after falling on her a triple flip.

Earlier Saturday, Olympic silver medalists and 2011 world champions Meryl Davis and Charlie White won their fifth straight dance title, matching a U.S. record. Marissa Castelli and Simon Shnapir won the pairs title.

There is something about defending the title that brings out the worst in the American women. Since 1990, Kwan is the only other woman to win consecutive titles (granted, she did win eight straight). Six women have won the last seven crowns, and the reigning champion has almost always had a total meltdown. Rachael Flatt is the only defending champ who even managed to stay on the podium the next year.

"I don't think anyone could have prepared me for how difficult this national championships was going to be," Wagner said.

Wagner, though, is made of stern stuff. She's been rock solid since moving to California to train with John Nicks in the summer of 2011. She won the U.S. title last year, had the best finish by an American at worlds since 2007 and won the silver medal last month in the Grand Prix final.

And she sure looked loose as she came out from the dressing rooms, clapping along with the crowd to Zawadzki's "Rhapsody in Blue" music. Her opening triple flip-double toe loop-double toe combination was gorgeous, drawing oohs and aahs from the crowd. She also did a triple loop in and out of a spread eagle ? incredibly difficult.

But she didn't have her usual fire, almost as if she was skating not to lose rather than skating to win.

"I was feeling great that first half," Wagner said. "Then I started to overthink it a little.

She was off-balance in the air on a triple lutz, and couldn't right herself in time to save it. With a triple loop only seconds later, she didn't have time to regroup and she tumbled to the ice on that one, too.


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Friday, January 25, 2013

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Once in a when, manage your forefinger and thumb across the very last 18 ins of the series to examine for frays and injury. In case the lines are destroyed, you need to get rid of this portion of line and retie your products. You may not want to overlook a major fish because your series pauses.

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Use the correct sort of lure. Much like humans, species of fish are finicky. Not every seafood just like the exact same type of dish. So before starting, understand the types of baits that you will want to hook the fish you might be aimed towards for a day. Do the identical for fishing lures, way too.

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When out on this type of water, ensure that you consider one or more hour or so bust. This will give you the chance to regroup and get your air so that you will are not sport fishing for many hours at the same time. In case you are angling with a small grouping of good friends over a big fishing boat, have a short snooze until you sense you are ready to travel again.

Now, you probably know how to get started within the fantastic Michael Crabtree Jersey past time of sportfishing. Fishing can be something you may enjoy for the remainder of your life. Once you start, you will discover yourself understanding all on your own and shortly you will have your own beloved angling locations and techniques to discuss with other individuals. So, consider the recommendations you?ve been given and acquire out on or from the water and give it a shot.

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Santa Clarita Short Sales out number current Foreclosures by ...

First ? before I get into our Daily Santa Clarita Foreclosure Alert update, where I display all of the most recent scheduled Auctions, the Notice of Default filings(new), and the Bank owned real estate that is not currently on sale ? I will run through the current ?distressed? inventory for the Santa Clarita Valley Cities.Foreclosure Tours by Santa Clarita REMAX

We did a basic search for the ?active listings? this morning, before the sun came up. ?At the present time we are at 0538am. ?Active listings, are recognized ?active? because they are ?fully? available.

They are 100 percent able to have offers written, to be considered by their sellers. ?For this research I ran through the following Santa Clarita Cities:

  • Castaic
  • Canyon Country
  • Newhall
  • Santa Clarita
  • Saugus
  • Stevenson Ranch
  • Valencia

I then did my pull of inventory directly from the Santa Clarita Board of Realtors ? Multiple Listing Service. ?When I did I was reminded that the Short Sale listings, in the Santa Clarita Valley, are still the majority of our For Sale market?s ?distressed type? of active listings.

A Side Note ? when you go to search other than Local Santa Clarita real estate websites(like the syndication websites) ? you are going to see many more listings that appear as if they are for sale. ?However, they are not. ?There is no ?extra database? or ?secret search? with listings that are only available from certain websites. ?The actual listings are all contained within the Local Board of Realtors that?governs?the local city, municipality, or geographical area.

Searching on the local websites that pull their data from the actual Multiple Listing service is the only way the ?real estate interested? can guarantee they are seeing homes that are really for sale.

Here are the current numbers as they relate to the following categories within the current real estate listings. ?Please pay strict attention to the Bank Owned real estate versus the Short Sale inventory.

  • Standard real estate listings in SCV: ?171
  • In Foreclosure Listings, not necessarily short sales: ?2*
  • Notice of Default, different category ? short sale: ?5*
  • Real Estate Owned: ?18
  • Short Pay?s Subject to lender approval: ?33
  • 1 probate listing
  • 1 auction
  • HUD owned: ?0

*Because some agents choose one of the three categories that can be considered as a property is in Short Sale, but not necessarily in Default with their lender, the actual numbers of currently active short sales that are on the Santa Clarita real estate market will be considered as 40.

40 real estate listings that are Short Sales ? Versus 18 bank owned real estate listings? ?Amazing ? when you view the Standard Sales ? those have experienced a HUGE jump lately. ?With those real estate buyers that had purchased back in 2008-2009 being in an equity position today, they are getting the intel and selling to move up the real estate ladder.

Be safe ? please get good advice and let The Paris911 Team know when you need our help.

Your New Foreclosures alert, All Santa Clarita Cities ? NOD filings ? Updated, found a match.


Stage Radar ID Street City Zip State Type Sq Ft Beds Baths Sale Date Est. Value Est. Bid

Preforeclosure 23773810 27046 FURNIVALL AVE SANTA CLARITA 91351 CA SFR 1120 2 1.00 05/17/2013 $196,406.00 $233,253.00

Preforeclosure 168471 27708 MAHOGANY ROW SANTA CLARITA 91351 CA CND 2182 4 3.00 05/16/2013 $324,708.00 $389,178.00

Preforeclosure 505239791 23953 ARROYO PARK DR 153 SANTA CLARITA 91355 CA CND 836 1 1.00 05/17/2013 $257,288.00 $263,549.00

Your New Foreclosures alert, Paris911?s Sold to Third Alert for Santa Clarita Valley CA, found a match.


Stage Radar ID Street City Zip State Type Sq Ft Beds Baths Sale Date Est. Value Est. Bid

Sold to 3rd 520534769 25416 PYRAMID PEAK DR SANTA CLARITA 91350 CA CND 1790 4 3.00 01/23/2013 $271,770.00 $240,100.00


Santa Clarita Short Sale and Foreclosure intelligence by The Paris911 Team at REMAX of Valencia CA.? If it is distressed or being sold short ? we talk about it here. It is about the exacting real estate data as presented by one of the Top Real Estate teams that are populating the Social Networks including Google Plus.? We talk about the Bank Owned and Distressed properties issues that people want most.


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